

动词过去分词: rediscounted


动词过去式: rediscounted | 动词过去分词: rediscounted | 动词现在分词: rediscounting | 动词第三人称单数: rediscounts |


A rediscovery of fortune life sooth wrinkle code!


The space of two side calculates original bath crock to go up is abnormal 0 spaces, use hard, but if measure a body,custom-built measurement standards receives ark suitably to install at two side, the value of this one space by rediscovery.


In the layer of accepting and acting intuitively, he emphasizes the rediscovery of intuitive knowledge is the main way in the Sage-forming.


Indeed, the uniqueness of a culture can be appreciated only when it is viewed against the background of another different culture, for such comparison often leads to the rediscovery of a way of life which the people have come to take for granted.


Peru was seeking to retrieve the artifacts now because it aimed to put them on public display in 2011 for the centenary of Machu Picchu's rediscovery by U.S. explorer Hiram Bingham.


The practical values of the rediscovery focus on the retrieval and appraisal of electronic records.


The Excellence in You, unchanged by everything you are not doing but believe you are, awaits your rediscovery, your willingness to be Its host, and thus Your own as God expressed.


Business leaders say they are pinning their hopes on a rediscovery of one of Sri Lanka's most famous treasures: its endless sun-drenched, white-sand beaches.


By spirituality we refer to life'sgreat spiritual quest, the rediscovery of our inherent divinity assouls, as conscious spiritual beings created in the image andlikeness of God.

关于灵修, 是指生命的伟大灵性追求、重新发现我们的内在神性是灵魂,是以上帝的形像被创造出来的有意识的灵性存在。