
An annoyingly unpleasant or repulsive person.


No time to hunt for those annoyingly elusive Pixies?


Annoyingly for his father, John failed the exam several times.


He certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after that.


The days were annoyingly and wearily long for everyone.


Now my demise seems just as imminent but annoyingly less premature.


Annoyingly for his father John failed the exam several times.


This annoyingly common condition is known as eyelid myokymia.


Squibs are generally confident, gregarious, and annoyingly curious.


Had I crossed the line from pleasantly neurotic......into annoyingly troubled?

|我已从讨人喜欢的神经质 跨越到惹人厌的烦躁吗?

Kelly detested paperwork and court appearances which cut annoyingly into a policeman's off-duty time.


Annoyingly, my job constantly reminds me that there's a more responsible and effective way to live.


The method of setting synthetic corrections is annoyingly,and wastes many ammunitions.


Corporate profits have proved annoyingly robust and plentiful credit has made refinancing sickeningly easy.


A person who's annoyingly analytical may try to help you work out a compromise. Don't bite his or her head off.


Even the spring breeze felt annoyingly warm that day.Neither of us did any talking.The silence was suffocating.


Annoyingly I can't put a date on it, because development is not a quantative process.


He is always annoyingly garrulous and sharp-tongued towards everyone, how could anyone be happy?

他总是贫嘴薄舌地挖苦人家, 人家怎能高兴呢?

Annoyingly kept running the ball out of play as if suffering from whitewash blindness.


As soon as summer arrives, cicadas shout like there's no tomorrow:"see, see",it's so annoyingly noisy.


Put down the busy work, stay in the gold in the guest room of the hotel, make Your Excellency wash to the limit noisy and annoyingly definitely.


I love to say it, I love to use it to describe people and things, and sometimes I even like to behave annoyingly myself!


In other words, your type A co-workers who are annoyingly ambitious and dutiful are no more likely to have a heart attack than you are.


I hear a woman's heels click from the hall beyond the closed door and a car engine whines annoyingly from Bedford Avenue.


They are well trained in English, so why should they have to express things in an unfamiliar language that, annoyingly, redefines key words.


Xu Zishan plays the greatly deceitful angle to praise US, even must abandon annoyingly compared to snow grains acting's red maternal aunt.


After the game, is defeated Yin on 畯 the face writes all over annoyingly, has not accepted the interview is the half step left the match room.


The Chinese word for this is annoyingly complicated because it has a lot of things in it.You just look at art, not necessarily art in the galleries.


Move and lift the board annoyingly while shutting down, the wove roller breaks away from the layout of printing, the glue axle and network roller run alone.


But one-time lighter consumed is thrown, do not have a law to decompose, like polybag, one-time messtin, morning and evening was become play annoyingly meaning.


He would not go so far as to call this a fault in her, but at times it became annoyingly inconvenient Bink himself never let trouble bar him from a matter of principle.


She was more effective in helping to bring about a ceasefire in Lebanon than in putting an end to annoyingly narrow-minded fights about health care and other domestic matters.


Es this, annoyingly.


It is unreasonable to expect users to penetrate the confusion. They are well trained in English, so why should they have to express things in an unfamiliar language that, annoyingly, redefines key words.

既然能熟练地使用自然语言,为什么一定还要他们用另一种不熟悉的语言来表达呢? 并且让人痛恨的是为什么还要重新定义一些关键词呢?

This method can be hard to implement, can be annoyingly slow, and may introduce too much visual complexity into the interface. The problem is that a drag-and-drop operation can require a pretty precise pointer.


Nobody at the time would ever have conceived of the telephone as being a ubiquitous personal object that people would carry in their pockets and purses and that would ring annoyingly in the midst of theater performances.

那时的人们不会想到电话会成为无处不在的私人物品,人们将其放在衣服口袋和随身包里。 更不会想到,甚至观看在戏剧演出时,它也发出烦人的声音。

If camels were as hard to handle as horses or donkeys, he would have had to rouse himself to look after them; but they were annoyingly well-behaved, so well-behaved that they got on his nerves.


Wearisome as this topic has become, Mr Maitland achieves nothing by skirting it; and his allusion to Sir Wilfred's “almost-too precious” relationship with his mother is annoyingly vague.


Wearisome as this topic has become, Mr Maitland achieves nothing by skirting it. and his allusion to Sir Wilfred s “almost-too precious” relationship with his mother is annoyingly vague.


More annoyingly for Egypt's rulers, Mr ElBaradei's declaration of conditions has cast unwonted light on the crafty constitutional mechanics that allow the stage-managing of Egypt's supposed democracy.


naughtily or annoyingly playful.


annoyingly unwilling to make a commitment.


" the secretary annoyingly asked her.


the secretary annoyingly asked her.


someone who persistently (and annoyingly) follows along.


Kelly detested paperwork and court appearances which cut annoyingly into a policeman's off-duty time


“NEW YORK rain” is the local term for water that drips, annoyingly, from air-conditioners onto passers-by.


* Some people find the coincident events in Hardy's novels annoyingly improbable.


and his allusion to Sir Wilfred's “almost-too precious” relationship with his mother is annoyingly vague.


his allusion to Sir Wilfred's “almost-too precious” relationship with his mother is annoyingly vague.
