
Get the latest distributions of Apache and PHP.


Apache Ant was used to build the project.

Apache Ant是用来构建工程的。

Apache Software Foundation download site.


Apache has been upgraded to the new version 2.2.


Apache is the market leader of Web servers.


Webalizer apache log analysis sort merge cronolog.


We have shot down 2 Apache helicopters.


Main introduce the configuration of apache server.

主要介绍了 Apache服务器的配置

Apache Bohai Corp.LDC & Apache China Corp.

上一篇文章: Texaco China BV v.

Apache 2.0 Is not expected to work on those platforms at this time.

目前不推荐Apache 2.0运行在上述平台。

Apache Geronimo uses OpenEJB as the EJB container system.

Apache Geronimo用OpenEJB作为EJB容器系统。

Apache Maven offers a promising solution for these issues.

Apache Maven承诺解决这些问题。

Apache is installed on your computer as the Web server.


Or was it the fact that Apache Geronimo is an open source project?

或者是因为Apache Geronimo是一个开放源码的项目?

Describes how to configure Apache HTTP server on RHEL 3.

描述如何在RHEL 3上配置Apache HTTP服务器。

I'm having problems configuring PHP to work with Apache.


Find up-to-date information about Apache Geronimo on the.

上寻找关于Apache Geronimo的最新信息。

A US Apache military helicopter was shot down by Iraqi farmers.


The Web server instance for both portions is Apache 1.3.

用于这两部分的Web服务器实例是Apache 1.3。

Method uses two constructs provided by the Apache Functor library.

方法使用由Apache Functor库提供的两个结构。

FreeBSD qmail Apache MySQL...


Fixed Apache's Napalm from hellfire to match animation.


To build PHP and copy the necessary files to the Apache distribution tree.


Load is licensed under terms similar to those of the Apache Web server.

许可Load的条款类似于Apache Web服务器。

Apache offers much superior performance to Tomcat for serving static content.


There are two ways to set up PHP to work with Apache 2.0 On Windows.


There are two ways to set up PHP to work with Apache 2.0. X on Windows.

Windows下有两种方法使PHP工作于Apache 2.0.x之中。

The PHP 3.0 Apache module no longer supports Apache versions prior to 1.2.

PHP 3.0的Apache模块不再支持Apache 1.2以前的版本。

We also have instructions and notes for Apache 2 on a separate page.

我们在另外的页面也有Apache 2的安装和说明。

HOWL is an Apache component used for transaction logging and recovery.


The search application was designed with the Apache Jakarta Struts framework.

该搜索应用程序是用Apache Jakarta Struts框架设计的。

On the right side are the Apache Derby properties that you can change.

在右侧是Apache Derby属性,您可以更改该属性。

One is to use the CGI binary the other is to use the Apache module DLL.


The socket migration is an important part of Apache server process migration.


Champion Apache Rubber matching with Japanese penhold is quite perfect match.


There's an old Apache saying: You can take many paths to get to the same place.


The books followed the adventures of two men?a Mescalero Apache named Winnnetou and his white friend, Old Shatterhand.


Get a head start in using the new Eclipse plug-in to develop and deploy Web applications to the Apache Geromimo server.

开始学习使用新的Eclipse插件来开发和部署Web应用程序到Apache Geromimo服务器吧。

In either case you need to stop the Apache server, and edit your httpd. Conf to configure Apache to work with PHP.


In fact, we re hoping to see the Derby database become as ubiquitous as the Apache HTTP server.

实际上,我们希望看到Derby数据库变得和Apache HTTP服务器一样无所不在。

Apache Ant is a powerful XML-based tool for creating and managing build scripts.

Apache Ant是一个强大的基于XML的工具,用于创建和管理构建脚本。

Apache Beehive uses JSR 181 to define a set of annotations you can use to expose any Java class as a Web service.

Apache Beehive使用JSR 181来定义一组注释,您可以使用它们将任何Java类暴露为Web服务。

Apache Geronimo is really nimble for small enterprises and can be downloaded in minutes.

Apache Geronimo对于小型企业的确非常敏捷,可在几分钟内下载完。

Apache Maven is used to build and deploy all the code for the example in this article.

Apache Maven用来构建和部署这篇文章中的全部示例代码。

Apache Software Foundation, and is itself built upon other open source projects.


The Apache HTTP Server and the IBM HTTP Server vie for the static content Web server role.

Apache HTTP Server和IBM HTTP Server竞争静态内容Web服务器的角色。

I wanted to know specifically why Apache Geronimo is important in the first place.

我首先特别想知道为什么Apache Geronimo如此重要。

While this section fills up, you should also consult the Apache 1.3 FAQ to see if your question is answered there.

在这个章节完善过程中,你可以尝试在Apache 1.3 FAQ中寻找你需要的答案。

WADI and Apache Geronimo have recently paired to build a suite of clustering functionality under the Geronimo banner.

WADI和Apache Geronimo最近走到了一起,要在Geronimo的旗帜下构建一套集群功能。

A Java-certified, production-grade platform built on the Apache Geronimo application server.

它是在Apache Geronimo应用程序服务器上构建的经过Java认证的生产级平台。