
We visited some old, historical abbeys in Europe.


Are there that many? I always heard that most of the abbeys had been destroyed.


Possible, although the castles and abbeys used in filming are actually hundreds of years newer than Hogwarts would be.


Guests can visit the museums, abbeys, cathare castles, grottoes and the wine-road close by.

Aragon 酒店 is located at the foot of the medieval walled city 卡尔卡松.

There were a great many abbeys, of a beauty more devout, of a grandeur more solemn than the mansions, but not less beautiful, not less grand.


There were a great many abbeys,of a beauty more devout,of a grandeur more solemn than the mansions,but not less beautiful,not less grand.


The structures in the north of it include abbeys, libraries, gardens, printing houses, orphanages, hospitals, girl's schools and Clerics' dormitories.


Gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture of many of the great cathedrals, abbeys and parish churches of Europe.


Only those beers brewed by abbeys which follow the rules of the Cistercian Order are authorized to be designated a “Trappist” product, a strictly controlled mark of quality.


The great barons of the countryside and the great abbeys enjoyed almost total independence, and the conflict of their claims to privilege led to constant warfare.


All barons who have founded abbeys, and have charters of Englishkings or ancient tenure as evidence of this, may have guardianship ofthem when there is no abbot, as is their due.


In 719, Otmar, an Alemannic priest, built St Gallen abbey, which developed into one of the largest St Benedictine abbeys in Europe.


Monks live in abbeys.


Covers 65 kilometers (40 miles) along the Rhine River between the plain of Oberrheingraben and the Lower Rhine basin.Includes 60 towns and numerous castles,abbeys,fortresses and the Lorelei rock.


Elsewhere in England, the Vikings swooped down on the abbeys of Lindisfame, Jarrow and Iona, and the coast of Northumbria, burning priceless manuscripts and putting the monks to the sword.


Covers 65 kilometers (40 miles) along the Rhine River between the plain of Oberrheingraben and the Lower Rhine basin. Includes 60 towns and numerous castles,abbeys,fortresses and the Lorelei rock.


For many centuries the beer consumed was prepared in a homemade way.During the Middle Ages, the production on a higher scale started to spread in Europe through the abbeys and Christian convents.


the hoary ruins of English abbeys


10.There were a great many abbeys, of a beauty more devout, of a grandeur more solemn than the mansions, but not less beautiful, not less grand.


5.There were a great many abbeys, of a beauty more devout, of a grandeur more solemn than the mansions, but not less beautiful, not less grand.


10. There were a great many abbeys, of a beauty more devout, of a grandeur more solemn than the mansions, but not less beautiful, not less grand.




46) All barons who have founded abbeys, and have charters of Englishkings or ancient tenure as evidence of this, may have guardianship ofthem when there is no abbot, as is their due.
