
It is above and supported by seawater, rises and falls with the tides and accretes with seawater.


In the moral education, the particular of individual life and the rifeness of colony life are united, and individual life accretes with colony life.


It accretes the labor intensity of the operator and reduces the production efficiency in lot production, and the depth-dimensional accuracy is not high.


Astronomers suspect that the observed energy is generated as matter accretes onto a supermassive black hole with a mass millions or even billions of times that of the sun.

天文学家怀疑,这些能量在物质依附到一个超大黑洞(black hole)时产生出来,这个黑洞的质量是太阳的百万甚至十亿倍。

We have conducted the separation and determination of the bacteria in the sediment samples as to ascertain that the predominant species that inhabits and accretes on the sediments is bacillus cereus.


the coal bed thickness accretes at first and then decreases until steady.


a recycled neutron star previously in an accreting X-ray binary system which accretes for a long time from a surrounding keplerian disk and spun up to millisecond period.
