
Aficionados of white wine can take heart.


Are you a video game aficionado?


Carol: Ben, you're a real aficionado.


Yet, on the other hand, she is an aficionado of AYP.


Mistically asks “Are you a Harry Potter aficionado?


Of course the structure aficionados may ask what all the hoopla is all about.


I had lot of dancing to do [Eva was a tango aficionado] until I was about four and a half months.


It was well received and Seagal found himself an instant star among action aficionados.


While researching this article, I noticed that several online sed aficionados made reference to a GNU sed 3.02a.

在研究这篇文章之时我注意到:几个在线sed爱好者提到GNU sed 3.02a。

One implication may come as a bit of a disappointment to science-fiction aficionados.


Nearby, art aficionados can feast their eyes on impressive works of art by Malaysian and international artists.


They are typically sweet wines,often served as dessert wine."Cigar Aficionados" also prefer port and sherry.


Nearby , art aficionados can feast their eyes on impressive works of art by Malaysian and international artists.


That is a shame because the book covers several new developments of interest to atomic aficionados.


Other than a dedicated line,ISDN is all that is available at the moment to bandwidth-hungry Internet aficionados and networked businesses.


The figures' release coincided with what aficionados celebrate as International UFO day, the anniversary of June 24, 1947.


An annual get together for the aficionados of fashion and music since 2003, the MTV Awards and Style Gala took place this year in Shanghai.


A consummate strategist, Grand Admiral Thrawn likened combat to art, and was an aficionado of both.


Other than a dedicated line, ISDN is all that is available at the moment to bandwidth-hungry Internet aficionados and networked businesses.


Comic aficionados may remember that Curtis Connors tried a similar scheme, developing a serum from salamanders to help him recover his missing arm.


As a trade professional or watch aficionado, you can subscribe to the magazine and to our e-newsletter.

无论业界人士或是手表迷, 您都可以订阅我们的杂志或电子时事通讯。

The main dance studio, with 1,500 square feet of space, is available for all dance aficionado at any time of the day.

1,500 平方尺的大型跳舞场,可供热爱跳舞的朋友,随时随地练舞之用。

He went to a friend who was a rock music aficionado, and the two of them began to search for the beat.


"If you're an '80s fan or a basketball aficionado, you like that kind of stuff," he said.


If you are a computer aficionado with a free and unorthodox thinking, people call you a geek.


Despite the orgiastic rituals once held at the Arc du Carrousel, art aficionados revered this place for another reason entirely.


The young aficionado was reportedly quite calm as the firemen doused his head with water to lubricate the cone off.


Almost any sports aficionado could name the faces and shakers who defined this basketball rivalry at its zenith point.


AS ANY aficionado of whodunnits will know, lifting and analysing fingerprints is a tedious task.


As a security aficionado, I was interested in his reply to something Nielsen had written.


Mr Tarantino is a well-known Asian movie fan, and he is publicly an aficionado of Hong Kong style action movie.


"Tough a liyyle starnge those questions are no difficulty for the genuine Potter aficionado.


Mr Siblin's book is well researched, and filled with enough anecdotes to engage even the classical-music aficionado.


The figures' release coincided with what aficionados celebrate as International UFO day, the anniversary of June 24, 1947.On that date, a U.


EXAMPLE:[/color] The company president is an aficionado of classial music who never missed a local symphony concert.


They are for aficionados, since paying $359 for a device makes sense only if you read quite a lot of books, newspapers or magazines on it.


Filled with sensational fight sequences choreographed by the renowned Lau Brothers, Fists And Guts is pure, gutsy fighting for the kung fu aficionados!


Some pizza aficionados prefer an even simpler sauce than this, but, you'll like the colors and bouquet this sauce adds to your own, home-made pizza.


Now that "Deep Throat" has been identified as a 91-year-old California grandfather, aficionados of unsolved mysteries have to look elsewhere.


Volkswagen aficionados can now drive with a clean conscience in this entirely bio diesel-powered Beetle, and they don’t have to wait for it, either.


AS ANY aficionado of whodunnits will know lifting and analysing fingerprints is a tedious task.


EXAMPLE: The company president is an aficionado of classial music who never missed a local symphony concert.


Cigar aficionados who see Cuba as the Mecca of smoking are dumbfounded by a Cuban smoking ban they say has let down the cause for smokers' rights worldwide.


Equally as important as tone, touch, and value to the serious pianist and music aficionado is the crafting of the instrument.


Large Format cellar: For the dedicated aficionado who shares the philosophy behind the maturation, inheritance and investment cellars.


In the four years since then, "he has learned to speak more directly and more succinctly when he's giving a major address," the word aficionado said.


The St.Regis Aficionado program is a privileged access to experiences, events, and knowledge that guests can only experience through The St.Regis.


Success isn’t possible without at least a little talent.But you don’t have to be a born word aficionado to make it as a writer.


But Moore had a slice of advice for pizza aficionados who might want to cover their crust with mounds of fatty toppings like extra cheese, pepperoni, sausage and ground beef.


Aficionados and promoters of the Internet often claim that the Internet is governed by no one, and indeed cannot be governed, and that it is inherently above and beyond the law.
