
In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defenders repulse the attack by thousands of Mexican in twelve days.


In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defenders repulsed the attacks by thousands of Mexicans in twelve days.


They then occupied the Alamo building.


The compound belongs to evangelist Tony Alamo.


We answer a question about The Alamo...


"I'm guessing you mean the Alamo?


There is talk of the rebels' Alamo moment.


The Alamo is now preserved by Texas as a state park.


The defense of the Alamo was a heroic action of gallant men.


Not every tree can stand thirst,but alamo can do it.


The defence of the Alamo was a heroic action of gallant men.


Alamo Plaza is a display of Victorian architecture of the window.


"I'm guessing you mean the Alamo?" I said back to him.


Houston told him: "You might have shown some at the Alamo.


The Alamo city has 11 major universities with over 100,000 students enrolled.


In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defenders repulse the attack by thousands of Mexicanin twelve days.


Fortunately, he died nobly at the Alamo, fighting for Texan independence, and thus secured immortality.


In the Alamo battle,less than two hundred defenders repulse the attack by thousands of Mexican in twelve days.


Losers avoid failing. And failure turns losers into winners. Just remember the Alamo.


History experts now say one hundred eighty-nine people defending the Alamo were killed, including Bowie and Crockett.


The big guns of the Mexicans began to sound. The defenders of the Alamo fought bravely.


The american gets up there and yells "Remember the alamo !" and pushes the mexican out.


The battle of the Alamo began a series of events important in United States history.


"David Zime." I replied as I turned the corner of the street and laid eyes upon the Alamo.


THE OTHER day I mentioned they have the Alamo here, which is named after a rental car company.


The battle at the Alamo in eighteen thirty-six was perhaps the most celebrated event in Texas history.


I could not think of a better answer, but in my office in my Alamo, California, home I kept studying in the mornings what other had to say.


American-born Mexican colonist who joined the Texan forces during the struggle for independence from Mexico. He died during the defense of the Alamo.


But the most enduring impact of the evening was that it was my first exposure to the people who brought her to Alma, Tony and Susan Alamo.


In sharp contrast to this postcard scenery row stands behind the skyscrapers of the financial district. 1856 Alamo Square Park to be opened up.


One of the pages of the book had a list of the names of the 183 defenders of the Alamo, and in the "C" section was the name, Daniel Cloud!


In a speech that referred to Isaiah, St Paul, baseball and the Alamo, he promised to help Mr McCain win in November.Mr McCain will be grateful.


The Alamo, a famous fort where Texans fought fiercely for independence from Mexico, is just one of the many historic landmarks the city has to offer.


When I read this my eyes went wide and I looked across the page and saw that he was only 19 years old when he was killed in the Alamo.


A few days later I was reading a book about the Battle of the Alamo when I discovered the most shocking thing I had ever discovered in my life.


Not every flower symbolize for love, but rose can do it; not every tree can stand thirst, but alamo can do it, not every pig can read short message, but you can do it.


The Alamo was an 18th century Franciscan Mission in San Antonio, Texas, which was the location of an important battle for Texans fighting for independence from Mexico.


Not every flower symbolize for love, but rose can do it; not every tree can stand thirst, but alamo can do it, not every pig can read short message, . congratulations!


When Houston received word of the defeat at the Alamo, he was inspired to begin a month-long retreat to regroup and replenish the Texas army's strength.


Driving 77 miles southwest brings you to the Alamo, the famous 18th century San Antonio landmark, where over 180 people died fighting for Texas independence.


However to be the best, you have to beat the best,and there is no other team I'd rather see the Lakers face in theWestern Conference Finals than our old rivals from the Alamo.


Well, several people from San Antonio e-mailed to say the Alamo is a historical site where everyone was wiped out and the rental car company was named after it.


Caught up in the passions of war, they withstood the hardships of the Texas Revolution and escaped the ruthless General Santa Anna after the fall of the Alamo.


But when you consider that Utah hasn't won in The Alamo City since1999 and also factor in San Antonio's experience in close-out games, Utah's chances to get the series back to Salt Lake City for a Game6 appear bleak.


I had just moved to San Antonio, Texas.I had gotten a job working for the tour bus service that would take tourists on a short tour of the city's historic places and would end up at the Alamo.


When I got back to the plane, I learned that my staff had bought four hundred dollars worth of mango ice cream from the Menger Hotel in San Antonio, just across the street from the Alamo.


Not every flower symbolize for love. but rose can do it, not every tree can stand thirst. but alamo can do it. not every pig can read short message. but you can do it.Congratulations!


American frontiersman and politician who was a U.S. representative from Tennessee (827-83 and 833-835) and joined the Texas revolutionaries fighting against Mexico. He died at the siege of the Alamo.


From then on I still look for Cloud when I'm passing by the San Frenando Church on my way back to the Alamo, and hopefully I'll pick him up again someday and take him to the Alamo.....


a city of south central Texas; site of the Alamo.
