
Rubinstein, Albina Shayevich, and Boris Zlotnikov.

作者声明: edited by Alvin Z.

My aunt Albina died who sang country times and customswhile she sewed in the corridors for Isidora, the maid by trade, the most honourable of women.


The length of ITS2 ranges from 210 to 249 bp,with P. albina and P. nigra being the longest,and P. margaritifera and P. maxima the short- est.

ITS2长210?249bp,其中P. albina和P.

A high rate of emergence of seedling was got with the young panicles which were in forth young panicles stage, i.e. in the stage of stamen and pistill formation, and many stronger seedlings and fewer albina seedlings occured.


fucata martensii and P. imbricata,clade II with P. albina,P.

fucatamartensii和P. imbricata;

30 male New Zealand albina rabbits were used for ultrastructural and histochemical investigation on experimental atherosclerosis.


Caradrina albina

n. 白点逸夜蛾

Albina Osipowich




Pinctada albina

n. 白珠母贝