
Weightlifters often use anabolic steroids.


Aggression is the number one reported among anabolic steroid uses.


Starch, fats, and proteins are all products of anabolic pathways.


VOICE: So it sounds as if anabolic steroids can be very destructive.


Some athletes take anabolic steroids to increase muscle size temporarily.


Howeer, in a subgroup of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, etanercept normalizes an anabolic response to oerfeeding.


The use of anabolic steriods and peptide hormone shall be stated when applying for their import.


Anabolic reactions generally require an input of energy, usually provided by ATP produced by catabolism.


His testimony contradicted what Clemens said, which is that he never used anabolic steroids or human growth hormone.


Pages inside the book had been cut out to hide 12 vials of performance-enhancing anabolic steroids, Ellison said.


Six different anabolic hormones are used in cattle in the United States and Canada to stimulate growth.


Resent studies reiterate how diverse the efforts are of there anabolic steroids.


Anabolic steroids , Prohormone and Diuretics are generally banned in natural organizations.


If the defendant distributed an anabolic steroid to an athlete, increase by 2 levels.


Medication including anabolic steroids (sometimes used illegally by athletes to "bulk up").


After the race, the Olympic officials found that Johnson had an illegal substance in his body - anabolic steroids.

在赛跑结束之后,奥林匹克官员发现约翰逊的身体内有一种非法物质 - 促合成类固醇。

Gains you make while using the ANABOLIC SUPER STACK are "true gains", so what you gain you keep!

收益您在使用合成类超级堆叠“真正的收益” ,那么您可以获得您!

Athletes have obviously been tempted to use performance enhancing anabolic steroids.


Anabolic steroids merely inflate your muscles (hence the term "juiced") and do not provide permanent results.


Anabolic steroid is a kind of doping agents that has been used frequently and widely.


However, in a subgroup of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, etanercept normalizes an anabolic response to overfeeding.


Stob M, Baldwin RS, Tuite J, et al.Isolation of an anabolic, uterotrophic compound from corn infected with Gibberella zeae[J].Nature, 1962,196:1318.


This is referred to as signal transduction, and the amplified signal increases Testosterone's anabolic effects to stimulate muscle growth.


Autophagy stabilizes intracellular environment and maintains cell survival through balancing anabolic metabolism and catabolism.


AMP activated protein kinase(AMPK) is a sensor of cellular energy status that coordinates anabolic metabolism and catabolism of the cellular materials.


Once the crucial and fast-acting anabolic surge of phase #1 has reached your muscles, the long-acting anabolic properties of phase #2 take over.

一旦关键和快速署理合成代谢类风相# 1已经达到您的肌肉,长期代理同化性能的阶段# 2接管。

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and its analogs have been used as bone anabolic agents for the treatment of severe osteoporosis in clinic.


It is stipulated that the retail pharmacy drugs ban only to the extent of insulin in addition to outside anabolic agents and peptide hormones.


Article 10 No drug retail enterprise shall undertake the management of anabolic steriods or peptide hormone except insulin.


Similarly, the constitutive activation of signaling cascades that stimulate cell growth has a profound impact on anabolic metabolism.


"Athletes who use anabolic steroids and the doctors caring for them need to be aware of the potentially serious risks to the kidney," said Dr.Herlitz.


Additionally, nanobiotic-Ag may increase anabolic activity, leading to stimulation of development and growth of animals.


Thus, anabolic reactions are concerned with building up structures, storage compounds, and complex metabolites in the cell.


To improve the growth of Turner syndrome patients we administered human growth hormone (GH) combined with anabolic steroid.


The steroid components contained in ginseng are remarkably sim ilar to anabolic steroids found naturally in the human body.

包含在人参里的类固醇分子非常类似于在人体里自然生长的 促蛋白合成 类固醇。

We conclude that combination therapy of GH and anabolic steroid is effective in improving growth and final height of Chinese Turner patients.


Based on the rule of anabolic steroids metoblize,ten metabolites were detected by comparing the blank urine with positive urine.


As their special effects in human functions, anabolic steroids have been one of the dopes which are used extensively in exercise.


Cortisol, although related to anabolic steroids, is not the main hormone that causes fat to be laid down post-puberty, which is oestrogen.

皮质醇虽然和合成代谢类固醇(anabolic steroid,一种加速肌肉生长的药物,译者注)有关,但是它并不是导致后青春期脂肪贮存的主要激素。雌性激素才是其真正原因。

When ATP is low, AMPK turns off anabolic actiities, and actiates "catabolic" functions, like burning fat to make energy.


This paper reviewed the progresses of the pharmacotherapy,including bone anabolic agents,promoting bone formation agents and other aspects.


Anabolic steroids: Steroid hormone that increases tissue growth. Anabolic steriods are given to elderly or postoperative patients to promote muscle growth and tissue regeneration.


In this study, the investigators explored whether EAAC supplementation would provide anabolic stimulus to counterbalance the catabolic response of prolonged inactivity (28 days).


Some people resort to taking anabolic steroids in order to accelerate muscle growth but you can get great results by implementing the ultimate bodybuilding diet.


No anabolic steriods and peptide hormone, which are produced by domestic enterprises upon the entrustment of overseas enterprises may be sold within the territory of China.


He also successfully defended British triathlete Spencer Smith, who was cleared of any doping offence after testing positive for the anabolic steroid nandrolone in 1998.

他还成功地捍卫了英国的三项全能运动斯宾塞史密斯,谁清除的任何使用兴奋剂罪名后药检呈阳性,为同化类固醇诺龙, 1998年。

However, high doses of anabolic steroids are associated with an array of adverse psychiatric effect, including aggression, violent outbursts, hypomania and depression.


THG's chemical structure is similar to that of trenbolone and gestrinone, both synthetic anabolic steroids banned for athletic use by international sports federations.


Also on April 14, the 355-member China Pharmaceutical Industry Association (CPIA) issued a statement promising legal production of anabolic steroids and peptide hormones.


However, last week released the first test results showed that his urine sample in trace anabolic steroids. 17 released the results of the second confirmed this conclusion.
