
All past animosities are dead and buried now.


With freedom now taken for granted, the old animosities are ill suppressed.


Communism's collapse has called forth old animosities and new dangers.


Because deep-seated animosities against the wolf still exist, wolves face fiercer threats than other recovered species.


In truth, the animosities of the President and his opposition fed on each other.


However, Europeans have learned to live in harmony without mutual fears or animosities.


Monstrous demons are able to draw out only a mortal's dark nature, learning her secret animosities, lusts and ambitions.


MS: I think the nicest battles I had were with Mika in the end -- always at a very high level without any animosities, pure racing.


And his countrymen's determination to put their animosities aside should encourage others struggling to put broken countries back together.


On the other hand, everyone in Nigeria is familiar with the fierce animosities that exist between the various religious groups in Jos.


A new border is drawn between Hindu-dominated India and Muslim-dominated Pakistan, and the region is torn apart by massacres fuelled by ancient animosities.


IN NORTH-EAST Asia run the world's most potentially lethal geopolitical faultlines, along which historical animosities and devastating weaponry are arrayed.


Agreement on joint exploration of the disputed waters would remove the biggest irritant in ties between two neighbours long divided by historical animosities.


IN NORTH-EAST Asia run the world’s most potentially lethal geopolitical faultlines, along which historical animosities and devastating weaponry are arrayed.


Ten years of peace, at home and abroad, have assuaged the animosities of political contention and blended into harmony the most discordant elements of public opinion.


Listening to Fukuda, it seemed as though ancient animosities, including concerns over disputed territories and grievances about war crimes, were a thing of the past.


We in Singapore are most fortunate to have racial harmony and religious freedom,thanks to the farsightedness of our ever vigilant leaders and the strict laws against anyone stirring up racial or religious animosities.


We in Singapore are most fortunate to have racial harmony and religious freedom, thanks to the farsightedness of our ever vigilant leaders and the strict laws against anyone stirring up racial or religious animosities.

在新加坡,我们很幸运的能够享有种族和谐和宗教自由。 这得感谢我们高瞻远瞩的领袖,以及对付企图挑起种族或宗教敌意人士的严刑峻法。

Both Thailand and Laos are eager to put past animosities behind them and work towards greater trade and investment, as witnessed by recent joint infrastructure development projects.


31、All past animosities are dead and buried now.


personal animosities between members of the two groups


“Barriers to intercourse, jealousies, animosities and heartburnings” loom.


“ Barriers to intercourse, jealousies, animosities and heartburnings ” loom.

“交往的障碍,嫉妒,仇恨和h eartburnings” 织机。

Ten years of peace, at home and abroad, have assuaged the animosities of political contention


(Monstrous demons are able to draw out only a mortal's dark nature,learning her secret animosities,lusts and ambitions.


no separate views nor party animosities,will misdirect the comprehensive and equal eye which ought to watch over this great assemblage of communities and interests,


wake old animosities.


perhaps it was time to put the election behind us, for both parties to store away their animosities and ammunition and, for a year or two at least, get down to governing the country.
