
Private-equity funds profit by arbitraging between private and public markets, exploiting their different attitudes towards debt for example.


For such firms, being able to trade on multiple platforms and arbitraging between price differentials on them is important to their trading strategies.


Alastair Ryan, an analyst at UBS, says the rules have become a “smorgasbord” and that “everyone is arbitraging” them.


What this means in practical terms is that market activities such as arbitraging have moved away from the exchange floor to the data center.


The main conclusion is, by the calculation on the actual data, to know the best time to begin arbitraging, and to know the best volume of arbitraging.


As an application of this conclusion, arbitraging behaviors are designed when the market price of the option is out of the upper bound of the option's nonarbitrage price.


In spite of expectations it will sell at least some of its stake, some observers are questioning whether BofA would burn its bridges by arbitraging shares in China's second-largest bank.


and prevent development enterprises from arbitraging real estate loans by such means as dividing the project or development on a rolling basis.


(2) Considering bigger arbitraging space at present, the effectiveness of capital supervision is hard to maintain in the long term even though there is more rigorous supervision;
