
RFC46 - ARPA Network protocol no.


RFC168 - ARPA Network mailing li.


Coming up with the consideration of the error of AIS and ARPA data.


United States forms the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA).


Mimic image comprises of radar echoes and ARPA marks.


There are difficulties when ARPA applied to narrow waterway.


Finally, the use of PAD-type ARPA and the way to improve it have been studied in the paper.


This prper introduces the basic function and operational method of ARPA with Ray path ARPA as an example.

本文以Raypath ARPA为例,介绍ARPA的基本功能和使用方法。

The ARPA speech output system presented in this paper is a new terminal equipment of ARPA.


The expression of ARPA was correlated to anti-SSA, anti-SSB, anti-nRNP, but not to ANA anti-dsDNA and anti-sm.


It was in 1954 that ARPA INDUSTRIALE S.p.A. started producing HPL decorative plastic laminates.


Created in 1969 with funding from the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) .


In 1973, the expanded into the net ARPA first British and Norway have access to a computer.


This is also the main mode of ARPA application, but this mode exists localization and weakness.


The officer should know the limitation of the ARPA and use the ARPA correctly to ensure the navigation safety.

船舶驾驶员应了解 ARPA 的局限性,正确使用其功能,才能保证航行安全。

A better way is adoptingdifferent algorithm to generate radar echoes and ARPA marks, then drawing them on different surface.


The radar simulator thus developed accords with the requirments of no-land training and scientific research on marine radar and ARPA units.


However, due to the inherent defects of radar, ARPA cannot provide the precise data which is necessary for automatic collision avoidance.


A Marine Radar ARPA Speech Terminal has been designed,by means of which an officer can get information from ARPA more conveniently.


It can enhance the diagnostic rate of SLE by the determination of combining the ARPA with anti-dsDNA and anti-Sm anti-bodies.


The synthetic situation picture provides too much ARPA information, which causes the tableau to be too complex to identify quickly.


As for the problems in Radar and ARPA training, the author put forward countermeasures of improving training quality in Radar and ARP A.


Licklider, one of the fathers of computer science andinformation technology, was the first director of arpa’scomputer-science division.

Licklider 是计算机与信息技术之父之一,是 ARPA 计算机部的第一任主管。

Arpa said the young watchmaker would unveil a new series next year commemorating another famous legend, but declined to offer clues of what is to come.


STCW definitely order that the officer of watch onboard a ship of more than 500 ton must have the ability to use radar and ARPA to keep the voyage in safe stage.


The invention of ARPA radar resulted in a fundamental change in the study of geometrical collision avoidance, which turned automatic collision avoidance into reality.


Licklider brought to his leadership of the Department of Defense's ARPA Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) a vision of "the intergalactic computer network.


It can overcome the Limitation of the present ARPA and make ARPA terminal system more perfect without loss of ARPA precision. This system consists of double micro-processors.


At first,this paper analyzes the function of ARPA and it's effect in maritime investigation,and then presents the method of marine traffic simulation with ARPA.


The identification of ARPA's Target maneuver relates to the forecasting accuracy of target's trace.Usually the change of energy due to orbit maneuver is submerged in the noise.


However the Defence Intelligence Agency and ARPA (The Advanced Research Projects Agency) are principally to blame for the abuse of such technologies since. eg Project Pandora etc.


"A key idea in the ARPA research was a new approach to interconnecting LANs and WANs that became known as an internetwork.The term is usually abbreviated internet ...


In 1982, the Defense Communications Agency (DCA) and ARPA established the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP) as the TCP/IP protocol suite.


Thus, drivers should know the localization, and use and exert the function of ARPA correctly, so that it can furthest reduce the events of accidents of ship-bumping.


Herewith, sincerely apply as a member of Asian Rabbit Production Association (ARPA) and to my best capacity will obey the Constitution of ARPA to achieve its objective.


He served for six years as a member of Advanced Research Projects Agency's Information Systems and Technology group, which advised ARPA on information science research priorities.


ARPA is the collision avoidance in ship navigation aids major, if used properly, no doubt the safety of navigation of the ship will play a positive role.


Herewith, sincerely apply as a member of Asian Rabbit Production Association (ARPA) and to our best capacity will obey the Constitution of ARPA to achieve its objective.


With the development of Radar technic, ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aids) can display directly the course and speed of target ship and get the DCPA and the TCPA of the ship, so it is applied widely.

随着雷达技术的发展,ARPA(Automatic Radar Plotting Aids自动雷达标绘仪)由于可以直接显示目标船的航向、航速,同时可以直接得到目标船的DCPA和TCPA,因而得到了广泛的应用。

Re sults ARPA of9cases among the patients with SLE were positive,The diagnostic sensitivity of ARPA was11.4%with specificity of100.0%. The result was significantly higher than that of the controls(P


In 1968 the ARPA of the USA Ministry of National Defense had set up the first network ,and had used the network for the communication of 4 military ground ,finally,it caused the internet developing in the world at a surprised speed.

自1968 年,美国国防部“高等研究计划署(ARPA)”的研究小组研制了第一条网络,并用于4 个军事驻地的联络以来,互联网络以迅猛的速度在世界发展。

Of the 90 SLE patients, 71.1% were seropositive for ANuA, 25.6% were seropositive for ARPA. Only 6.7% and 4.4% control patients were seropositive. The positive rate of ANuA and ARPA in SLE was obviously higher than patients with other diseases.


Local law enforcement agencies which are interested in deploying "electronic incarceration" are directed to the Operations Other Than War Program at ARPA ( the Advanced Research Projects Agency), a Pentagon satellite.


The dynamic developing process of destroy of mined overlie rocks of l2205 workface has been simulated by a kind of softwaxe--arPA and, its result inosculates resultof spot measure.


However, the Defence Intelligence Agency and ARPA (The Advanced Research Projects Agency) are principally to blame for the abuse of such technologies since. eg Project Pandora etc.


During the last century, the VHF (Very High Frequency) communication has been applied in the ship’s transportation, as well as radar and ARPA also could identify ships in the marine.


ARPA established the ARPANET net from 1959 to start, the Internet already had more than 40 years development, today, the network already started to the entire economic system to have the influence.


ARPA Advanced Research Project Agency


ARPA Advanced research projects agency


ARPA network elements and operation
