
The one in Aryan was a soft ruby red.


Only the Basques resisted the conquering Aryan speech.


The genetic engineering was based in Meruvia, on Aryan.


They all spoke variants of what once must have been the same language, Aryan.


He believed that this ancient Aryan sign brought prosperity and victory.


The first ascertained appearance of the Aryan family was in connection with the domestic animals.


Finally, the original Semites fell into the shade and the Aryan came to the front.


The powerful Aryan contingent were masters of manipulation and media.


The Bulgarians also are a Turkish people, but they have acquired an Aryan speech.


Other families, besides the Aryan, may now be resorted to for the desired information.


We are at the close of the cycle of 5,000 years of the present Aryan Kali Yuga or dark age.


Finally,the original Semites fell into the shade and the Aryan came to the front.


The original sacred texts are those of the Veda, mostly written in Sanskrit, the language of the Aryan invaders.


Early in the second millennium BC, Aryan peoples from Central Asia drifted into northern India and settled there.


The Germans, especially at that time, were a highly gifted Aryan tribe, and in the full vigor of development.


It is commonly believed that Aryan tribes from Eurasia invaded Iran and South Asia and they were closely related.


The Semitic family were then in advance of the Aryan, and in the lead of the human race.


The original Aryan gods were not expected to work miracles or control men's lives.


They date back to the beginning of Indian civilization and are the earliest literary records of the whole Aryan race.


The discovery of Swastikas have put to question the theory of an Aryan invasion of Indian subcontinent.


Aryan chases her when she gets the file and he will not let Jassi reach Armaan if he crosses her.


Though they are uniformly young, white and Aryan, somehow they flit past the keepers of political correctness.


If the Aryan language gradually replaced the Dravidian, features from Dravidian would form a "substratum" in Aryan.


The Nazis had a vision of an Aryan German race that did not include Jews and many other groups of people.


The Semitic family were then in advance of the Aryan, and in the lead of the human race .


American journalists hailed the victories of Jesse Owens and other Blacks as a blow to the Nazi myth of Aryan supremacy.


American track star. He won four gold medals at the1936 Olympics,upsetting Adolf Hitler's plans to use the games as evidence of Aryan superiority.


The Sarasvati river theory hypothises that the Rig Veda was composed before the peak of IVC, which would render the Aryan invation theory inapplicable.


American track star.He won four gold medals at the1936Olympics, upsetting Adolf Hitler's plans to use the games as evidence of Aryan superiority.

欧文斯,耶西1913-1980美国田径运动明星,他在1936年的奥林匹克运动会上获得四枚金牌,打破了阿尔道夫 希特勒的计划,他想利用运动会来证实雅利安优越论

Sanskrit was the language spoken by Aryan invaders and local inhabitants spoke various dialects of Dravidian and Munda languages.


The hybrid mutants were used to terrorize those who opposed them in Aryan and Og, and one occasion this was futilely attempted in Poseida.


The point was that the war in Russia was above all a racial struggle between the Aryan Germans and the "inferior" Slav races.


Prior to the deluge of 17,500 BC, most major cities, including Meruvia, the Capital of Aryan had such power domes over the perimeter.


As early as 1924 he was commenting that Hitler was "a truly great man" and his speeches "are magnificent examples of the German and Aryan spirit".


The genetic work had been processed and developed on Aryan and was used to remove appendages, claws, feathers and reptilian skins and scales.


When nationalist thugs beat up a Jewish friend, she defaced her grade card, crossing out the stamp that allowed her to sit on the “Aryan” seats.


The political environment at the time forces the creation of art to focus on a single culture which is to glorify the greatness of Aryan race.


They move toward making a statement about the manifest destiny of the Aryan peoples through the usage of art and history.


The original inhabitants of southern India, the Dravidians were marginalized by the expansion of Aryan and later Muslim civilizations from the north.


From the time of the Aryan invasion (c. 1500 BC) the indigenous inhabitants of the subcontinent have tended to adapt their religious and social life to Brahmanic norms.


They are not fit for Chinese very well because the great diversity of grammar feature between Chinese (a typical analytical language) and English (a kind of Aryan language).


Like Aryan, the reconstructed vocabulary of early Munda does not reflect the Harappan culture.So its candidacy for being the language of the Indus Civilization is dim.


Philipp Lenard even claimed that the mass energy equivalence formula of Einstein should be credited to Friedrich Hasenohrl if it had to made an Aryan creation.


Aryans spoke pure Aryan language which later split into Sanskrit spoken by Aryans in South Asia and Avestan by Aryans of Iran.


Further, it had common shrines and festivals; in fact the elaboration of the whole Greek mythology out of the traditional old Aryan nature-cult was essentially conditioned by the phratries and gentes, and took place within them.


The plentiful supply of milk and meat and especially the beneficial effect of these foods on the growth of the children account perhaps for the superior development of the Aryan and Semitic races.


All this stir and emigration amidst the area of the ancient civilizations was set up by the swirl of the gradual and continuous advance of these Aryan barbarians out of the northern forests and wildernesses between 1600 and 600 BC.


Nevertheless, telegony influenced late nineteenth-century racialist discourse: a woman who had once had a child with a non-Aryan man, it was argued, could never have a "pure" Aryan child again.


Although some of the new features may have evolved entirely within the Aryan framework, it is generally presumed that many of them stem from the influence of the indigenous inhabitants.


At the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, 3,422 young Aryan runners were hand-picked by Nazi leaders to transport a flame from the Temple of Hera on Mount Olympus, site of the ancient games, to Berlin.
