
Attemper for aggrandizement direct, in..


The attemper panel with 2 CPU.


But if I cannot win,let me be brave in the attemp.


They attemp to restrict the scope of disease.


A bold attemp is half success.


Never attemp to change my way of thinking or tweeting.


No,and Never,I'm a Leo man.No one will or will attemp to Change me.


Let me win.But if I cannot win,let me be brave in the attemp.


Attemper: Chief mate, how do you do! what is the corrent discharging rate?


He feels certain Japan would attemp to shoot downwill attempt a shootdown.


Do you want to attemp to load this IDE package the next time delphi is run?


Obtain attemper the requirement that process of politic can contented service does not have block without conflict.


Attemper after the center calls car phone to debut, get the praise of social all circles.


To 2000, should come true basically unified capture expends scale inside provincial limits, unified managing and attemper use basic annuities.


The Chinese people of all ethnic groups are firmly opposed to any attemp to split Chinese territory and sovereignty.


My sister has been adamant and your attemp of changing her mind will get nothing back .


The main attemper telephone is a special purview telephone and have the function of telephone exchange and office telephone.


You will become stronger with each attemp, so don't lose heart if you fail at first.


All sorts of material are arranged through inducing, stylist is decorating a design in, can attemper arbitrarily, make plan next, reach budget.


Along with the spread of city and the manifold of vehicle, vehicle's attemper and management has become an important question of society.


The multithread conception and its attemper mechanism as well as thread synchronization are employed in the achievement to the idea.


Rise both union to attemper jointly, the adjusting control that can realize fresh water resource effectively to go up in time.


This paper introduces the water resource information management and attemper system, and analyses the characteristic and structure of system.


Through adjusting bear, managing with report, unified attemper and unite the overhaul, disentomb again latent capacity 260 thousand kilowatt.


The equipment has the function of call the HWB non switchboard anti-explosive telephone from program attemper to realize automatic connecting from switchboard to non switchboard.


The inside operating subsystem is composed of the anchorage subsystem, the channel subsystem, the berth subsystem and the port & channel attemper subsystem.


Resemble righteousness By : synthetically 1. Be confident, self's own judgment , attemp , ambition, are positive, desire.


Mainly inland transportation if guangdong province,china.Shenzhen to Hongkong transportation,having good manage pattern and truck attemper,meet all kinds of customers need.


Japan is the only country that is has made explease explicit public plans to attemp attempt to shoot down the North Korea Korean rocket.


The attemper panel has the function of switch function,and partership light and keyboard,these lights and keyboard may corresponding one user or function to attemper quickly.


Actually and theoretically we attemp to discuss the relationship between the geological condition , mining factor or time factor and the coal burst.


From the longitudinal aspect,it is three-level controlling architecture including production unit on top level,attemper level and production unit on bottom level.


The inside operating subsystem is composed of the anchorage subsystem, the channel subsystem, the berth subsystem and the port &channel attemper subsystem.


Please shutdown other running applications and click RETRY to have ANSYS try to get more memory.Current allocation attemp...

将proe模型导入ansys时老是出现问题(如图提示)弹出提示:This model requires more scratch space than currently available.

This paper makes an attemp to apply object oriented technique to finite element method(FEM) numerical simulation of casting.


The article introduced shoemaking to produce personal computer to assist attemper the function that software wraps, reach the hardware that move and software environment.


This article introduces the function and effect of gas attemper center,and will be used for reference to the enterprise who wants to construct the gas attemper center.


Now, full automation and non-attended substation have become the developing trend of the roboticized attemper of electrical network and atommatization of power system.


This method is in distance further or car is issued by the circumstance of keep out or low visibility, mix to registration of vehicles it is relatively difficult to attemper.


Attemper and generation set retires the difficult choice that waited for the uncertainty that field day adds to create new investment field to company of electrified wire netting.


Property right of Ying Shen heavy processing, electrovalency, " 3 fair " attemper, capital of increase and decrease, market is superintended wait for serious problem.


To develop advanced culture, we must promote the international competitive power of our culture, intensify the building of the popular culture, attemper the two kind of logos.


Therefore, it is a great challenge for the development of East Asian monetary regionalism how to attemper the conflict caused by different civilizations.


A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.Let me win.But if I cannot win,let me be brave in the attemp.


To forestall any attemp by grave robbers, automatic crossbows were installed in the passageway which would kill any intruder with lethal poisoned arrows.


He says the United States would only attemp attempt to shoot down the rocket in the underlike unlikely event it apear appeared to oppose the pose a direct torate threat to U.


His inclusion in the inauguration program is seen by some as an attemp by Mr.Obama to politically reach out to conservative christians who tend to support Republican politicians.


He says the United States would only attemp attempt to shoot down the rocket in the unlikely event it appears appeared to depose pose a direct threat to U.


Its computation deeply depends on the initial point, and easily falls into non-global optima.It is a new attemp t to apply Genetic Algorithm to the solutions of optimization ...


The invention of the mobile phone is on the basis of telegram and phone.There can be no wireless communications to speak of without the past generations' attemp.

手机是踩着电报和电话等的肩膀降生的,没有前人的努力,无线通信无从谈起 问题补充:翻译成英文,不要机器翻译啊!