
To the writer of real estate advertisements, the autobiographer is the most suspect of prose artists.


The occasional anonymous tipster and the eminent autobiographer may each claim to be serving the cause of truth.

停滞不前的村落社会和完 全 没有活力的农业;

However, all through his life, he only confided in his close friend and autobiographer, John Forster his dark and humiliating experience.


Even as the camera phone makes each individual an autobiographer, it also makes all the people around her into freelance paparazzi, with their own tabloid-style press (the web).


The occasional anonymous tipster and the eminent autobiographer may each claim to be serving the cause of truth. There's the rub,for it is a claim that can be neither wholly admitted nor wholly dismissed.


The occasional anonymous tipster and the eminent autobiographer may each claim to be serving the cause of truth. There's the rub, for it is a claim that can be neither wholly admitted nor wholly dismissed.


of or relating to or characteristic of an autobiographer


of or relating to or characteristic of an autobiographer.



n. 自传作者

[D] an autobiographer.

[D] 自传作家。