
One who looks or behaves like an automaton.


This is a fully functional automaton.


It is also the golden years of the automaton.


The automatous development of robots has been the trend.


Modularization state automaton implements batch job execution.


An automaton which has no input or has a constant input content.


College and above, majored in mechanics and automaton.


Automaton theory is a basic theory of compile routine for identifying words.


The result shows that the finite automaton can accept this limit set.


Effect of limited velocity on traffic flow is studied with cellular automaton.


So the storage structure of finite automaton should the choosed adjacency lists.


Writing in the science journal Nature,Shapiro and his team describe their DNA computer the automaton which can answer certain yes or no questions.


An automaton that is created from biological materials and resembles a human being.


The sheer size of this automaton made building and testing MAYA-II an enormous challenge.


In this paper, the method of simulating inflorescence using dual-scale automaton model is discussed.


Key words: household appliance; remote control; home automaton; telephone network; ring-detecting.


CAT, n. A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle.


And finally, we are exploring alternative means of linking the automaton to its environment.


In spite of our warnings he plowed ahead with the involuntariness of an automaton.


Nagel K,Schreckenberg M.A cellular automaton model for freeway traffic[J].J Phys I (France),1992,2:2221.


Cellular automaton: Simplest model of a spatially distributed process that can be used to simulate various real-world processes.


Man like every other animal is by nature indolent. If nothing spurs him on, then he will hardly think, and will bahave from habit like an automaton.


So you wanna dress up in a monkey suit and tie every day? Like an automaton robot? Trust me, you can't play hockey in a cubicle. Kind of awkward.


Cellular automaton: Simplest model of a spatially distributed process that can be used to stimulate various real-world processes.


Therefore the finite automaton cannot accept the evolution languages generated by elementary cellular automaton of rule 122.


U.Frisch,B.Hasslacher,and Y.Pomeau,A lattice gas automaton for the Navier-Stokes equations,Phys.Rev.Lett. 56:1505(2002).


This paper describes the design of pushdown automaton model for XML syntax analysis and illustrates the implementation of StAX parser OnceStAXParser.


At times his mind wandered farther afield, and he plodded on, a mere automaton, strange conceits and whimsicalities gnawing at his brain like worms.


Methods Analyze and compare the most successful models,cell automaton and car-following model,and point out their advantage and shortcomings.


Simulations of surface nitridation and nitride precipitation in alloy steels have beeb carried out with cellular automaton modeling.


For a nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA), a new input may cause the machine to be in more than one state, hence its non-determinism.

对于非确定有限自动机 (NFA),一个新输入可以导致机器进入多于一个状态,因此是非确定性的。

Man like every other animal is by nature indolent,if nothing spurs him on,then he will hardly think,and will behave from habit like an automaton.


Because of the scalability of finite automaton,the intrusion detection system was made to be of certain anomaly detection capabilities.


In trying a variety of programs with our simple molecular automaton, we also found a way of further improving its performance.


An algorithm for constructing the simplified DFA (Deterministic Finite Automaton) is introduced, which is equivalent to a given regular expression.


A cellular automaton model was developed to simulate the primary spacing selection of dendritic array during directional solidification.


A modified three-dimensional cellular automaton (CA) model was developed to predict the formation and evolution of mesoscopic structures in alloys.


Among our tests was an omission experiment, in which the automaton's operation was evaluated with one molecular component removed at a time.


Called the Turk, von Kempelen’s automaton consisted of a small wooden cabinet, a chessboard, and the torso of a turbaned mannequin.

这台被称为Turk的von Kempelen的机器人,由一个木盒子,一块棋版,以及一个假人的部分驱赶所组成。

To predict land use change, Cellular Automaton was adopted and the possible integration of CA and Temporal GIS was discussed.


That is why we returned to our two-state automaton to see if we could at least find something useful for it to accomplish.


In the future, if our molecular automaton is sent on a medical mission, it can be programmed to exercise similar judgment.


In existing one-dimensional cellular automaton models of traffic flow, drivers' varying behaviors are_described by the deceleration probability.


It means to study the flow by simulating the molecules movement in the flow.So it is also called lattice Boltzmann method, or lattice gas automaton.


According to the characteristics of elementary cellular automaton, the function forms of elementary cellular automaton evolution rules are deduced by using the Karnaugh map.


Secondly, domino model, pyramid model, reverse pyramid model, and cellular automaton model have been presented in order to explain the concepts of brittleness clearly.


Alternate definition: Robotis the general term for a mechanical man or automaton, but has come to be applied to many machines which directly replace a human or animal.


Based on the assumption that congestion events consist of a renewal process sequence, the TCP AIMD congestion control is modeled as one-state stochastic hybrid automaton.

互联网中的拥塞控制是一个离散事件与连续变量相互作用的混杂动态过程. 假定拥塞事件为一个更新过程序列,采用含有一个状态的随机混杂自动机模型,描述了TCP拥塞控制中的AIMD过程.

The NFA (Non-deterministic Finite Automaton) model of GECISM accurately describes this system and meanwhile is the basement of performance analysis and system test about GECISM.

GECISM的NFA(Non-deterministic Finite Automaton )模型精确定义了GECISM的属性和特征,为GECISM的性能分析、系统测试提供了理论 基础。

Cellular automaton models have calculation difficulties when the maximum speeds of the vehicles are different from each other or the number of the vehicles is very large.
