
The tents looked very bedraggled after the storm.


She was all cold and bedraggled after falling into the river.


She was bedraggled when she came in out of the rain.


Billy came to school in soiled, bedraggled hand-medowns.


Mrs. Ainsworth reached out and lifted the bedraggled black morsel.


Do you want to see your own sister in such a bedraggled condition?


The advantage with network true racing bike such by bedraggled.


Mother tongue is us is essential, cannot bedraggled.


Billy came to school in soiled , bedraggled hand-medowns.


The beggar's bedraggled clothes,scarecrows in battered hats or draggled skirts.


She took pity on him only when he adopted the disguise of a bedraggled cuckoo, and tenderly warmed him in her bosom.


The bedraggled little dog timidly wagged his tail and began licking Mother's hand.


She took pity on him only when he adopted the disguise of a bedraggled cuckoo,and tenderly warmed him in her bosom.


Miss Thompson's door was open, and they saw her in a bedraggled dressing-gown, cooking something in a chafing-dish.


One day,Soapy Smith and I visited a shelter for battered women located in a bedraggled section of the city.


She was soaked and her hair, disheveled, clung damply to her head and hung down her shoulders in bedraggled wisps.


His appearance, in short, presented an odd mixture of the bedraggled and the ferocious.


She was soaked and her hair, dishevelled, clung damply to her head and hung down her shoulders in bedraggled wisps.


It lets countless adolescent have no appetite for food, bedraggled and normal school work.


Pity Georgia's bedraggled first infantry brigade. And its second. And its hapless navy.


Such not only bedraggled oneself youth and school work, and it is painful to brought serious mental body to oneself.


It is evergreen, but after a harsh winter looks bedraggled because the leaves are winter scorched and brown.


She took pity on him only when he adopted the disguise of a bedraggled cuckoo, and tenderly warmed him inher bosom.

后来宙斯隐身为一只羽毛披乱的杜鹃 鸟 ,赫拉这才可怜他,温柔疼护地把他放在怀里取暖。

But he was in such a bedraggled condition that an assistant refused to serve him.


Miss Thompson's door was open, and they saw her in a bedraggled dressing-gone, cooking something in a frying-pan.


Mystars,mymothersaid, bendingover.Wherever did you come from?The bedraggled little dog timidly wagged his tail and began licking Mother's hand.


At first, Dino Reardon thought the bedraggled bird running towards him at his home in Skipton, North Yorkshire, was a stray.


Despite his better instincts he eventually decides to save this bedraggled and presumably drunk, young lady by putting her in a cab.


He wanted to buy a &300 fur coat for his wife, but he was in such a bedraggled condition that an assistant refused to serve him.


The good news for the Lakers, once they get past Friday's stumble, is another game against the bedraggled Phoenix Suns on Sunday.


Newspapers across the country published pictures of one of its cars being towed to a dealer by four bedraggled horses.The car's owner, a Mr.


Suddenly the door bursts open and the Time Traveler appears, dirty, disheveled,and bedraggled, with a nasty cut on his chin.


He wanted to buy a $300 watch for his wife, but he was in such a bedraggled condition that an assistant refused to serve him.


Despite their bedraggled appearance, herbs grown outdoors this time of year can be even more delicious than their summer counterparts.


He wanted to buy a $300 watch for his wife, but he was in such a bedraggled condition than an assistant refused to serve him.


Grizabella: Her bedraggled physical appearance demonstrates her status as the outcast of the group, reflecting an outcast of society.


A few days ago, the author is in glue east when concerned county town is interviewed, still can see pools of a lot of bedraggled or outcast shrimp.


Suddenly the door bursts open and the Time Traveler appears, dirty, disheveled, and bedraggled, with a nasty cut on his chin.


Chueh-min and Chueh-hui went to see their stepmother, Madam Chou, and f ound Uncle Ke-ming's wife and daughter Shu-ying there with her, looking weary and rather bedraggled.


In the end the motion will not be heard because Mr Hicks, looking pale and bedraggled, admitted the charge of “providing material support for terrorism”.


The main gate was then opened. Carrying their clothes, the dancers again formed into ranks, took up the skeletal remains of the dragon and, to the bedraggled beat of drums and cymbals, wearily marched out of the compound.


Of the bedraggled leisure that alludes besides afore-mentioned place outside using, the decoration of the furniture inside house also is acted on patulous living space write decisive part.


OTHER than a nice view of landfill on the fringes of Hong Kong's harbour, Queen's Pier is a bedraggled slab of cracking concrete and dirty white tiles, dimly lit at night by fluorescent tubes.


For two decades after the fall of Saigon in 1975, the defining image of Vietnam was the waves of bedraggled refugees washing up on its neighbours' shores, fleeing oppression and penury back home.


"PK platform is the spot of one big play of demon animal world, if wanting to blame, search blizzard, PK was joined in game this one link is to raise game sex, do not use well want bedraggled?


bedraggled appearance, clothes, hair

邋遢的样子﹑ 衣服﹑ 头发

Bedraggled dress like a Beggar's


The tents looked very bedraggled after the storm


a street of bedraggled tenements.


a street of bedraggled tenements;
