
Future prospects in high pressure basic bioscience.


Welcome to Ningbo Landlab Antibody Bioscience Company!


Use of high pressure in bioscience and biotechnology.


Optical Spectroscopic Techniques in High Pressure Bioscience.


A tribute of the earth, one of the bioscience achievements.


Ecology is one of the obligatory courses for the major of Bioscience.


A clear distinction must be drawn between bioscience and biotechnology.


System bioscience is founded by Von.Bertalanffy at the aspects of theory biology and general system theory.


Since then, this protein has become one of the most important tools used in contemporary bioscience.


But biologic textbook is not the technical bioscience after all and it can"t expound the content by the numbers.


Run either one or two gels simultaneously on these versatile vertical separation systems from Galileo Bioscience.


Human genome project, human cloning and stem-cell research are the real big events of postmodern bioscience.


It is out of theory resource for the traditional ethics and theological ethics in this postmodern bioscience.


Paul Hanle says increasing the numbers of bioscience graduates could help the economy grow.


With good education background majored in bioscience, biotechnology, pharmaceutical research or animal toxicological study, etc.


HUYA Bioscience International Corporation, headquarters in US San Diego, is the pioneer in China to identify and...... ...


In fact, the state has already at present begun to indicate, it seems that bioscience is being developed flourishingly forward.


China's rapid economic development has encouraged the spread of invasive species, says an article in the April issue of BioScience.


The study found that many schools are not doing enough to get students interested in bioscience or to prepare them to study it in college.


The junior bioscience major at Beijing Normal University has, like a growing number of young Chinese, fallen in love with the pub scene.


In the 21 憕 century, our society and economy develops at very fast speed, and bioscience changes with each passing day.


Bioscience is a natural science correlative to human beings and environment.It studies the conformation of organism and demonstrates the rule of life.


Swanson, F.J. T.K. Kratz, N. Caine and R.G. Woodmansee. l988. Landform effects on ecological processes and features. BioScience 38:92-8.


It synthesizes interdepartmental knowledge of different disciplines, including geology, physical geography, meteorology, oceanography, bioscience, and astronomy.


To become a key contributor to medicine, health and bioscience in South China, bringing benefits to society with its top national standing and recognition worldwide.


It not only cause a prominent initiation and development of DNA chips technology,bioinformatics technique and bioscience industry,but also initiate the new era of post-genome.

它极大地推动了DNA芯片技术、生物信息技术、生命科学工业的兴起与发展 ; 开辟了后基因组时代的新纪元。

The formation of bubbles resulting from supersaturation of liquids is commonly encountered in different fields such as heat transfer, manufacturing, and bioscience.


Pittsburgh Life Sciences Greenhouse, which provides investment and advice to the region's bioscience firms, is housed on a redeveloped brownfield, the former site of a strip-mill.


With the development of laboratory animal applications in bioscience researches,the good animal husbandry and welfare conditions are attracting more and more attention.


This session will outline the requirements of these federal agencies and explain how you can ensure your incubator facility meets the right standards to house bioscience clients.


Experiment of cell biology is a main course of bioscience, biotechnology, biological technical application and ecology.There are very important in the course of life science.


Abstract: Animal experiment is an important research method and way in sports bioscience, developing with the constant development of sports bioscience.

摘 要:动物实验是运动生物科学的重要研究方法和途径,其伴随着运动生物科学的不断发展而发展。

Three bachelor's degree programs in bioscience, biotechnology and pharmacy, two master's degree programs in zoology and genetics, and one doctoral degree program are offered now.


This paper introduces trends of the multinational chemical companies in developing biotechnologies, and analyses why these chemical companies make strategic shift to bioscience.


Millipore is a multinational, high technology bioscience company that provides technologies, tools and services for the development && production of new therapeutic drugs.


Bioscience - uses plant biotechnology and conventional breeding to offer sustainable, high value solutions for agriculture, nutrition, health and biomaterials.


With the development of laboratory animal applications in bioscience researches, the good animal husbandry and welfare conditions are attracting more and more attention.


MATTICK, born and raised in Sydney, today is a professor of molecular biology at the University of Queensland and director of the Institute for Molecular Bioscience.


Proceeding from theory of bioinformatics, the paper is discussed issues on how to search various kinds of biological information resources through Internet, and hoped to make full utilization of Internet to serve teaching and research in bioscience.

本文从生物信息学的理论出发 ,讨论了如何通过互联网检索各种生物信息资源 ,最大限度地利用互联网为生物科学的教学科研服务

And that is a very conservative estimate, said John Losey, a Cornell University associate professor of entomology who conducted the study, published in the current issue of the journal BioScience.


The product adopt the charcoal by particle-rization treatment, its deodorization ability is 8 times higher than average ones! Use the newest bioscience of plant extract deodorizer.


Something called the Mittelos Bioscience Corporation, which sounds as if it does terrible things to baby ducks, has maintained an inscrutably nefarious presence on and off the island for some time.


Bioscience actually has several other applications, including the development of new medicines, pollution reduction techniques, and the collection of forensic data at crime scenes.


Guildford has a highly successful and growing cluster of new technology businesses in the IT, bioscience, material science, satellite communications, engineering and other research fields.


Recently,the bioscience is currently in the primary stage of beginning of large-scale industrialization all over the world., and it will further become the dominant industy to the world economy.


It holds that the assumption, research methods of physical science and bioscience etc are likewise applicable and essential as to all other disciplines including human and social science.


The human genome project(HGP) is one of the most magnificent bioscience programs which make humankind understand the essence of itself as well as life,health and diseases at molecular level.


The American biotechnology industry recently did a study of bioscience education across the country. The biosciences are biology and other sciences that deal with living organisms.


Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International


Bioscience and Engineering Research Institute
