
The clothes was blotched with dark red stains.


Eurasian tulip with small flowers blotched at the base.


A skin swelling or sore;a blister;a blotch.


A skin swelling or sore; a blister; a blotch.


Spotted or blotched with different shades or colors.


The eradicator could clean the stubborn blotch.


He pointed to a dark blotch upon the starry sky some miles astern of us.


Dark leakage tubal ooze shows blotch to wait inside the wall.


Blotch is a typical defection in degraded motion picture material.


Blotch: The reason that paint surface produces blotch is very much.


Tepals with an obvious, deep purple-red blotch at base adaxially.


Study on the Optimal Management of Coryneum Leaf Blotch of Populinum Bres.


And oxidation can turn an invisible stain into an unsightly yellow blotch.


The blotched and sagging face twisted grotesquely into the grimace of extreme grief.


Also had an eventful international career, winning Euro 88’, however he blotched his copybook by infamously spitting at Rudi Voller at Italia 90’.


Kakapo is a nocturnal parrot with finely blotched yellow-green plumage, a large gray beak, short legs, large feet, and relatively short wings and tail.


Sooty blotch has become one of the most important diseases on many ornamental plants.


She stood patiently as adults kneeled around her and blotched her face for that desert-distressed skin tone favored on Tatooine.


They spend too much time indoors and too much in the direct sun, and their skin has a pallid, blotched, flabby, exhausted look to it.


Far below, the railroad yard changed and squealed, a small busy blotch on the ancient silent desert.


This dish actually tastes very good. The fillets are springy and crunchy. Only blotch is that it is a tad salty!


Sometimes, motion vectors may be far away from the true motion vector in the blotch area.


This result lays a foundation for controlling melons Bacterial Fruit Blotch by signal interference strategy.


A blue egg with an odd grey blotch on the top and a tan blotch on the bottom. It looks like it'd take a while to hatch.


It was the two children who finally routed the nurse by reminding her of a desiccated carcass, blotched with brown, streaked with yellow, scarred by knives.


For steel members received these treatments, rolled scale, rusted attachments are erased into punctual blotch, and sliver gray metal is exposed instead.


These results showed that the kinds of the pathogens of apple sooty blotch and flyspeck were of high diversity, probadly including some special types.


The samples of apple sooty blotch and flyspeck were collected from different apple growing places in Shaanxi province, China.


Pathogen diversity analysis of Sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) by the internal transcriber spacer (ITS) and larger subunit (LSU) sequences.


So, the granitic capable person that should select red to department, brown department, green is fastened or contain gules blotch carefully.


The scutulis of females are yellow, and foreside of wings is light fumed with a dark blotch covered by dense black thick hairs.


Among the crowd was a Fox, who called out, "You a doctor!Why, how can you set up to heal others when you cannot even cure your own lame legs and blotched and wrinkled skin?


Especially of aggrandizement wood floor classy article, the front must not have dry wet flower, blotch or colour and lustre not equal defect.


It was the two children who finally routed the nurse by reminding her of a desiccated carcass , blotched with brown, streaked with yellow, scarred by knives.


The experiment results indicated that the brown blotch y ripening of tomato was closed related to the application of K element.


Black fluids oozed from our mouths. I hastily covered my ears but it was too late - corrosion has already reduced me to a mottled blotch.


Inner tepals with a large, purple-red blotch at base adaxially and a few purple-red speckles; outer ones each with a purple-red blotch only.


To peanut web blotch, 8903 is resistance, Yuhua 15 and 9326-22-2 are medium resistance, the others belong to susceptible or high susceptible types.


Abstract: The experiment results indicated that the brown blotch y ripening of tomato was closed related to the application of K element.

摘 要: 通过在番茄不同生育期进行少钾处理,研究了钾营养亏缺对番茄褐变型筋腐果发生的影响。

Mildewy become angry: This kind of question happens in damp paint surface more, if lunt condenses in glass and metallic surface,constant meeting produces the blotch of palm black.


Sun Blotch is a viral disease that causes yellowed streaking of young stems, mottling and crinkling of new leaves and occasional deformation of the fruit.


By some strange leading of fate this stigma on his family's honour, this blotch on conventional morality, had twined its helpless baby fingers about the tendons of his heart.


Paint cover with paint should be even, wait for a phenomenon without bleb, small white spot, the blotch with not due and apparent surface and damaged phenomenon.


Male is more attractive with a dark blotch on its red and yellow first dorsal and anal fins.Some males may have a light blue spot on first ray of first dorsal fin.


Spotted or blotched.


A spot or blotch of color.


Juvenile: No distinctly broader terminal tail-band. Underparts coarsely streaked, especially on breast; some feathers blotched or with indication of cross-bars, but streaking predominates.


This paper presents the mathematical models, processing methods and applications of several most common artifacts including noise, blotch, scratch, jitter, flicker and etc. These restoration methods are also applied to the denoise field of DTV program.


Based on the investigation and observation, this paper discussed the sooty blotch disease regarding its damage, etiology, occurrence components, common host plants, and its management strategy.


But it also brings corrupt practice, constant because of egregious the water mark that absorb water or oil and forms malformation in leather surface, blotch, influence use value and beautiful.
