
Small children are right to fear the night-- but it is shift- worker, not bogeyman, they shall be worried about.


But he is a bogeyman from a bygone age.


But why has the oil bogeyman become less scary?


Orson metamorphoses into that medieval bogeyman, the " wild man".


Why Is Japan Whaling's Bogeyman When Norway Hunts Too?


They'll wait until the bogeyman barks to do something about it,'' he says.


The brothers separate: Valentine grows up civilised; Orson metamorphoses into that medieval bogeyman, the " wild man".


Small children are right to fear the night-- but it is shift- worker, not bogeyman, they shall be worriedabout.


Small children are fear the night-- but it is shift- worker, not bogeyman, they shall be worried about.


The policy may jangle inflationary nerves but it is in fact designed to combat deflation, the new bogeyman.


The brothers separate: Valentine grows up civilised;Orson metamorphoses into that medieval bogeyman, the “ wild man”.


Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.


The brothers separate: Valentine grows up civilised; Orson metamorphoses into that medieval bogeyman, the "wild man".


Pressure groups welcomed the suggestion that the latest health "bogeyman" could be eradicated from the nation's diet.


For some American policymakers and commentators, China is replacing Islamic extremism as the bogeyman under the bed.


He will become the bogeyman, the man Roman mothers will frighten their children to bed with simply by mentioning his name: Hannibal.


Another Lakers bogeyman is that Odom will be able to find a number of locations, the Lakers tactical provides a wide range of possible changes.


On the one hand, Google has become a privacy bogeyman, dropping off the list of the top 20 companies trusted with customer privacy.


We get up before the rooster crows, go to bed after bogeyman is tucked in for the night, work harder than oxen, and eat worse than pigs...


We get up before the rooster crows, go to bed after bogeyman istucked in for the night, work harder then oxen, and eat worse than pigs...


Bogeyman, foot-dragging countries will have been identified at Copenhagen and America is unlikely to be the sole environmental offender.


From the Cuban missile crisis and the fear of a atomic cloud, to today's enduring mistrust of government, communism remained the country's bogeyman.


Dumping, the practice of selling goods in foreign markets at lower prices than you charge for them in your home market, is the protectionists' favorite bogeyman.


Bush, their bogeyman, will be gone and they will be all alone in a frightening world without the enemy who has defined them and held them together for so long.


Traders are betting on the fear that all this new money will inflate asset bubbles - the bogeyman du jour - which could force the HKMA to let its currency appreciate.


One key question being pondered by Berliners is what to do about the children.“Do we threaten to take them to see the bogeyman Hitler if they misbehave?


Miss Pitty can get Miss India Wilkes to stay with her and keep the bogyman away. When we get back to Atlanta we are going to stay in the bridal suite of the National Hotel until our house is finished.

皮蒂小姐可以请英迪亚 - 威尔克斯小姐和她同住,免得坏人来捣乱,咱们回到亚特兰大以后,先住在民族饭店的新婚套间里,等咱们的房子盖好了就搬过去。

The bogeyman's coming!


He’s the real bogeyman.


Miss Pitty can get Miss India Wilkes to stay with her and keep the bogyman away.When we get back to Atlanta we are going to stay in the bridal suite of the National Hotel until our house is finished.


Shouts of “Death to America!”may have echoed around Friday prayers in Tehran over the past 30 years, but the older imperial superpower has been a bogeyman in Iran for far longer.


, he raised the Chinese bogeyman.


Orson metamorphoses into that medieval bogeyman, the wild man


Or else, the Bogeyman will chain you underneath the waves.

原文:You are your brother's keeper, remember it always.

if you think there‘s a bogeyman around, turn on the light.


4.The brothers separate: Valentine grows up civilised; Orson metamorphoses into that medieval bogeyman, the "wild man".


7.Small children are right to fear the night-- but it is shift- worker, not bogeyman, they shall be worried about.


” The presidential handover in 2008 will be a risky period in the highly personalised system of government Mr Putin has created: the old foreign bogeyman may help.


” Never finish using the Chinese and other races as the bogeyman for political gains.Do Chinese and other races in Malaysia not contribute to Malaysia?



可怕的人或物 妖怪 精灵


n.可怕的人,(虚构来吓唬小孩的)鬼怪 =bogyman