
Sinus bradycardia occurs when the heart rate falls below 60.


Result:There were 50 patients with bradycardic dysfunction of sinoatrial node.


Is sinus bradycardia a factor facilitating overt heart failure?


When the heart beats too slowly, it is called bradycardia.


Bilateral vagotomy abolished the bradycardic response indicating that the reflex pathway runs via the vagus.


Bradycardia, if persistent, should be controlled by the insertion of a pacemaker as soon as possible.


Additional complications include bradycardia, laryngospasm, bronchospasm, and apnea owing to pharyngeal stimulation.


Bradycardia can be treated with atropine, although high doses are sometimes necessary .


Bradycardia during intraoperative device testing is no reason to abort the operation.


Permanent Pacing of Bradycardia in Patients With Rheumatic Valvular Disease After Valve Replacement.


Occasional arrhythmias are normal. Tachycardia is a fast regular rhythm; Bradycardia is a slow rhythm.


Gastric distension by sudden inflation of an intragastric balloon produced bradycardic response in awake toads and in anesthetized rats.


Conclusion Hyperthyroidism presenting as bradycardia is related to the sinoatrial node function.


The aortic nerve(AN) stimulation-produced depressor and bradycardic responses were elicited in urethan and chloralose aneasthetized rabbits.


Electrocardiogram findings include sinus bradycardia, sinus arrest, sinoatrial heart block, and asystole.


Complications included refractory hypotension, bradycardia, or asystole in 4 patients, of whom 2 died.


Sinus bradycardia is a heart rhythm that originates from the sinus node and has a rate of under 60bpm.


Episodes of oxygen desaturation, bradycardia, and daily weight gain were similar in both groups.


SA node dysfunction or atrial-ventricular (AV) conduction block causes improper heart rate (bradycardia).


Objective To explore the simple and convenient pharmacotherapy for sinus bradycardia.


The lateralized activity heralded the onset of bradycardia, hypotension, and clinical symptoms.


Objective:To observe the clinical effect of Yiqi Wenyang recipe(YWR) in treating sinus bradycardia.


This period of hypotension is usually associated with bradycardia, decreased pulse pressure, and decreased cardiac output.


Bedside monitors can be set to alarm for bradycardia or tachycardia, hypotension or hypertension, tachypnea, and/or oxygen desaturation.


Severe Bradycardia during Spinal and Epidural Anesthesia Recorded by an Anesthesia Information Management System Lesser JB, et al.


When bradycardia, aberrant conduction, and premature beats are present, hypoxia and hypoperfusion should be suspected immediately.


The cause of death was concluded to be severe hypotension, bradycardia and cardiac failure due to combined intoxication with verapamil, metoprolol and digoxin.


Objective It is to investigate the effects of Ningxinbao and meglumine cyclic adenylate combined on the treatment of sinus bradycardia.


Objective:To discuss incidence,clinical significance and result of bradycardic dysfunction of sinoatrial node in inferior wall acute myocardial infarction(AMI).


Results:In Normal Sinus Rhythm group only 2 had SACT prolongation,but in Sinus Bradycardia group 90 patients had such a problem.


The survival rate and the living quality of patients with bradycardia have been improved markedly by using artificial cardiac pacing.


Bedside monitors can be set to alarm for bradycardia or tachycardia, hypote ion or hyperte ion, tachy ea, and/or oxygen desaturation.


Side effects were observed in 9 patients(4.4%),including sinus bradycardia in 5,dizzyness in 1,left bandle branch block in 1 and fatigue in 2 patients.


Extremely high serum magnesium levels may produce a depressed level of consciousness, bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, hypoventilation, and cardiorespiratory arrest15.


IMPLICATIONS: High-dose dexmedetomidine can induce bradycardia in children which, if treated with glycopyrrolate, can result in exaggerated hypertension.


Methods Twenty-eight patients with sinus bradycardia and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation were treated with oral diltiazem for 12 weeks and were examined by Holter ECG monitering.


Conclusion: Cardiac pacing benefits to the rehabilitation of central nervous functions of patients with acute cerebral infarction accompanied by bradycardia.


These patients may hae life-threatening episodes of postoperatie apnea and bradycardia as many as 12 hours and up to 48 hours after receiing a general anesthetic.


Methods: Experience in peridural anesthesia in 984 patients was summarized and anglysis of treatment of bradycardia in 274 made.Results:No arrhythmia occured.


They included sinus bradycardia in 13 85% (36/260),sinoatrial block in 3 08%(8/260) and sinus arrest in 2 31% (6/260).Conclusion:The rate of bradycardic dysfunction of sinoatrial node in inf...


The results of estimation of SACT in 49 patients are reported. The patients were subdivided into 3 groups,Group SSS comprising 13 patients of SSS,Group B 18 patients of simple sinus bradycardia and control group A 18 patients.

本文报告49例 SACT 检查结果,其中 SSS 组13例,单纯窦缓组18例,正常对照组18例。

In all patients there were 30 cases of sinus bradycardia(15.46%),10 cases of prolongation of P R interval(5.15%),6 cases of escape beat rhythm(3.0%),and 16 cases of prolongation of Q T interval(8.25%).

窦性心动过缓 30例 (15 .46% ) ,P- R间期延长者 10例 (5 .15% ) ,连结区逸搏节律 6例 (3.0% ) ,Q- T间期延长者 16例 (8.2 5% )。

Conclusion: Bradycardia arrhythmia patients' blood is in prethrombotic state, the operation of pacemaker trans plantation would make this status more obviously, but will be meliorated greatly later.


Howeer, all studies did report significantly higher rates of important side effects with ?blockers, including slow heart beat (bradycardia) and ery low blood pressure (hypotension).


Destructions of the area of nucleus of solitary tract, which affects bradycardia and sometimes hypotension; as well as the midbrain reticular formation, which does not show any cardiovascular responses, yielded much less significant effects.


The mechanism,their expression and the principles of electrical treatment for bradycardia,tachycardia and fatal arrhythmia -ventricular fibrillation (VF) are introduced respectively.


Murakawa T, Ishihara H, Matsuki A. Marked bradycardia during anesthetic induction treated with temporary cardiac pacing in a patient with latent sick sinus syndrome[J], Masui, 2001,50(1):65.


METHODS:On the basis of the characteristics of right endocardial mapping at different sites,23 patients with serious acute bradycardia were treated by emergency bedside temporary pacing.


In addition, there are various kinds of diseases, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, heart disease, high blood viscosity, bradycardia, vascular sclerosis, constipation, etc.


Genetically engineered biological pacemaker holds great promise to potentially cure severe bradycardia if critical issues, such as their stability and longevity, are properly solved.
