
Come una canzone che nessuno canter?


Le canzone sono molto belle, ma io preferisco la musica classica.


Guarda!quando si seggono, quando s’alzano, io sono la loro canzone.


Meglio vale udire la riprensione del savio, che udire la canzone degli stolti.


La in mezzo al campo C’e un nuovo campione Un tiro che parte da questa canzone Forza non mollare mai!!! AMALA!

在往球场的道路上, 诞生了一个新的冠军. 是从这首歌出发的那支队伍. 永不丧失力量 爱上它吧!

Since 1989, he has performed with the Canzone Trio in New York, Taiwan, Japan and Canada.


Io son diventato lo scherno di tutto il mio popolo, la sua canzone di tutto il giorno.


Quelli che seggono alla porta discorron di me, e sono oggetto di canzone ai bevitori di cervogia.


That the canzone form is everything I have said can be shown using a number of arguments.


It seems plain enough what we mean when we call something a canzone, and, in consequence, what this bundle we are preparing to tie together may be.


And now it is clear what a canzone is, whether we are using the term in a general sense or on account of the form's outstanding excellence.


If it seems appropriate to use the tragic style, then the illustrious vernacular must be employed, and so you will need to bind together a canzone.


Since I have now treated two aspects of canzone technique in sufficient depth, it is clearly time to discuss a third, namely the number of lines and syllables.


and that the canzone is pre-eminent was proved in the third chapter of this book.


3) Of all these forms, however, I hold that the canzone form is far and away the most excellent;


4) That the canzone form is everything I have said can be shown using a number of arguments.


Of all these forms, however, I hold that the canzone form is far and away the most excellent;


And so it seems clear that the canzone is nothing else than the self-contained action of one who writes harmonious words to be set to music;


and then, once the sticks and the cords have been gathered, I shall explain how our promised bundle, the canzone, is to be bound together.


9) And now it is clear what a canzone is, whether we are using the term in a general sense or on account of the form's outstanding excellence.


6) And so it seems clear that the canzone is nothing else than the self-contained action of one who writes harmonious words to be set to music;


6) If it seems appropriate to use the tragic style, then the illustrious vernacular must be employed, and so you will need to bind together a canzone.




3) A canzone, according to the true meaning of the word cantio, is an act of singing, in an active or passive sense, just as lectio means an act of reading, in an active or passive sense.
