
America 's Careening Foreign Policy.


The act or process of careening a ship.


Their ship was put into port to careen and refit.


Has the firm's careening growth reached its limits?


America‘s Careening Foreign Policy.


Careen: To lurch or swerve while in motion.


Also, as you can see, the FDIC is now careening towards broke.


They were careening wildly, three feet in either direction.


The driver lost control and the car careen down the hill.


Hundreds of tons of rock and soil are careening toward you at enormous speed.


Roger slams the lever holding the boulder and it goes careening down.


Careening from one extreme to another, we have failed to project long-term steadiness .


Landslide! Hundreds of tons of rock and soil are careening toward you at enormous speed.


One is that financial firms are careening off track, thereby costing taxpayers more and more bailout money. (Think A.


Has the firm's careening (to sway from side to side, e.g. careening carriage) growth reached its limits?


As Jack speeds to the gate, guards shoot at the van, causing it to careen to a halt.


A culture that stands for nothing, defends nothing and believes in nothing is surely careening down the proverbial slippery slope of extinction.


"McCowan says it's a miracle no one got hurt."What are the possibilities of a truck careening across a street, jump a center aisle, and not get hit?


And even if the planets did careen into one another, it would not happen for another 3.5...


Accompanied by ALEX (Sarah Wynter), a huntress whose life he saved, Gabriel's only hope is to find justice in a world careening out of control.


Structure: Made of solid Plywood, chairs revolving variable rise by hydraulic compressors with a concurrent Careening between Back and the rate of 1:2.


A unknown disaster is going to threaten her future and careen, then can she overcomes it?


I began to hard to learn English, a skill and tool which could heighten my ability when I was working in careen road.


A blown out control system sent Stanton's freighter careening into a private museum owned by no less than the Emperor Palpatine.


In science fiction, the worst threats to space travelers are large ones: careening asteroids, ravenous creatures, imperial battle cruisers.


Hurtling down the track, careening around, over and through the competition, Speed Racer (Emile Hirsch) is a natural behind the wheel.


Bond clings to the roof of a flaming Land Rover careening down the narrow passes of the Rock of Gibraltar in The Living Daylights.


If my student is careening around the warm-up arena, hanging on the reins like a drunk on a lamppost, I have to do something right now to make that horse and rider safer.


The oxidants careen about, binding to and disrupting the membranes, proteins, DNA and other cell structures that make your body work.


So far, the generations that will follow us, as our planet and our civilization careen over a cliff, are none the wiser.


Such a giant impact is unsurprising given the amount of material careening around the early solar system, and Earth-like planets in other systems may have moons, too.


You're hiking through the Rockies one day when you hear a low, ominous rumble. Landslide! Hundreds of tons of rock and soil are careening toward you at enormous speed.


Gregor even had the presence of mind, afterward, to go around to the local police and explain why he had been speeding and careening through stop signs.


YANUO company regards LOYALTY,DEDICATION as their careen minds,to provide society the best environmental protection products and the best services.


In the former, Latham's progress through the space was glacial; in the latter, his tiniest move would send him rapidly careening through the Library at a zoom.


Policemen cleared the way only for motorized vehicles, just so that they could go fast and swirl up dust. Xiangzi, not being a policeman, wouldn't let them careen about.


A hood mounted bazooka to communicate with the numerous SUV-borne dils talking on cell phones as they careen obliviously around the parking lot crushing daisy beds and old people.


He couldn't conceal his merriment at the sight of some fellow staggering home with bumps all over his head,or another careening about with dizziness,or someone else howling with dismay and agony as the bush ripped him up.


He couldn't conceal his merriment at the sight of some fellow staggering home with bumps all over his head, or another careening about with dizziness, or someone else howling with dismay and agony as the bush ripped him up.


Unfortunately for me and the tens of thousands of other college students who had the occasional or not-so-occasional drinking binge, many times inhibitions went careening out the window.


He saw that hand behind the gleaming swords of the Sabeans--he saw it behind the lightning flash--he saw it giving wings to the careening tempest--he saw it in the awful silence of his rifled home.


The crowd suddenly gave a lane for a careening carriage and through the lane came the frail and elegant Mrs.Elsing, standing up in the front of her victoria, reins in one hand, whip in the other.


AN allegedly drunk driver stunned pursuing police in northern Australia by jumping into the back seat with his three passengers, leaving his car to careen out of control on an outback road.


Of all the lemurs, sifakas are perhaps the best known because they can leap fantastic distances in trees but when on the ground jump awkwardly on two legs, their skinny bodies stretched tall as they careen sideways.


The Dow Jones industrial average gained 936 points on Monday, the biggest gain in the American stock market since the 1930s, as Wall Street continued to careen through the worst crisis in decades.


It wasn’t until early 2005 that the trade surplus began to careen upwards to unprecedented heights-a trend that caught not only the government but also most outside observers by surprise.


A woman is sitting on a dais above an immense careen desk;


Keywords careen moment circumgyrating sculpt entity characteristic;


careening from one extreme to another, we have failed to project long-term steadiness


careening from one extreme to another, we have failed to project long.term steadiness
