
Stop cavorting around and sit still, just for five minutes!


The photos showed her cavorting on the beach with her new lover.


Stop cavorting around and sit still,just for five minutes!

别欢蹦乱跳的, 坐好了, 就五分钟!

By and by the men stopped cavorting around and yelling.


Stop cavorting around and sit still, just for five minutes!.


Ineffectual stewarding and an absence of admonishment on the public address led to them cavorting before the away fans.


When Dad started cavorting with her, Mom disappeared and the life in the abandoned eggs died.


Car tail patterns of muscle sense, like the one about animals cavort.


He remained in politics, cavorting around Europe with his wife as a diplomat to Spain, until the age of 75.


This would eventually escalate to the snowman cavorting with women and offering drinks to minors.


He would consider such cavorting by his son Freddie, two girls at a time, as degeneracy.


Satisfied sun-warmed we sprawl in the grass and watch our kites cavort .


Boys cavort with horses during a fiery sunset on a beach in Timor Indonesia.


The duration of the relationship also seems to play a role in the economics of high-end cavorting.


Photographed cavorting in a bathing suit with a naked Llewellyn in 1976, she demeaned the Queen and the whole royal family.


Photographed cavorting in a bathing suit with a naked Llewellyn in 1976,she demeaned the Queen and the whole royal family.


The Sunday show draws hundreds of fans to watch the pair cavorting in the water.Gilberto even gives the animal commands, which it follows.


Why can't you just sit and play mah-jongg with the rest of us instead of going out and cavorting with your irresponsible brothers?


Cinderella is in Far Far Away right now eating bonbons,cavorting with every little last fairy tale creature that has ever done you wrong!


Oh come on honey, cheer up!In two hours you'll be cavorting in Atlantic City with a group of five thousand conventioning psychiatrists.


Since the Letizia scandal, Berlusconi has also been fending off accusations of cavorting with escorts who were paid to attend his parties.


Photo Gallery: Las Vegas Weddings Newlyweds cavort along downtown Las Vegas’s Fremont Street.


Bernard and Big Mel play no-net volleyball with their still-living victim. Are they just cavorting with their prize? Showing off?


Playful young animals use around two or three per cent of their energy cavorting, and in children that figure can be closer to fifteen per cent.


But 77 percent of women also think using the Internet for online ***ual talk or cavorting in front of a Webcam is also cheating, compared to only 57 percent of men.


Local kids still head off for school, take shortcuts through restored plazas, and cavort in the playgrounds until it is time to head home for dinner.


Chengdu Cavort Science and Technology Co.Ltd. is a corporation which combines development and marketing of electrical and electronic product.


Ten marine life animal babies and their mothers happily cavort in the water to words that can be sung to the classic tune of " Down in the Meadow.


But 77 percent of women also think using the Internet for online sexual talk or cavorting in front of a Webcam is also cheating, compared to only 57 percent of men.


From the candidate whose stated objective was to "seek a high-paying, relaxing job" to the software developer who included a photo of himself bare-chested, cavorting in the surf.


But 77 percent of women too consider using the Internet for online sexual talk or cavorting in front of a Webcam is too cheating, compare notd to only 57 percent of men.


But 77 percent of women also think using the Internet for online sexual talk or cavorting in front of a Webcam is also cheating, compared to only 57 percent of men.


In the big open dining room, filled with large round tables where extended families gather, including beaming nanas and cavorting children, there is scarcely an empty seat in the house.


The popular culture's grumpy-old-man archetype went from shouting at cavorting teens to stop having so much fun, to ripping the headphones off sullen ones and begging them to start.


Here in the Yuanmingyuan village they bonded together in bitter poverty, painting, drinking and cavorting on the fringes of Beijing’s society, both geographically and allegorically.


This is simply the pursuit of cultural landscape greening rate offered by the content window to window to see King, is the environmental design cavort, Shanghai has first step in this regard.


Stop cavorting around and sit still, just for five minutes

别欢蹦乱跳的, 坐好了, 就五分钟!

Cavort: to bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper


4.The Sunday show draws hundreds of fans to watch the pair cavorting in the water.Gilberto even gives the animal commands, which it follows.


" Yolen's short, rhyming text and Teague's irresistible, cavorting dinosaurs perfectly convey how dinosaurs could behave in school, large and powerful though they may be.


