
According to certain chronicler, this great novelist is going to write no more long novel.


One who writes annals; a chronicler.

编年史作者写编年史的人; 编年史作者

One who writes annals;a chronicler.


Much detail found in 1 Kings is omitted by the chronicler.


Mr Hiro is a prolific chronicler of India and the Islamic world.


The most gifted chronicler of America's tormented and fascinating South.


The most gifted chronicler of America’s tormented and fascinating South.


According to certain chronicler ,this great novelist is go to write no more long novel.


According to certain chronicler,this great novelist is going to write no more long novel.


French chronicler who wrote Histoire de Saint Louis(1309),the principal source on the life of Louis IX.


According to certain chronicler, this great novelist is go to write no more long novel.


The chronicler sets down every detail, believing all to be of ultimate significance.


Fitzgerald is considered the chronicler of the 1920s in America and the spokesman of the"Lost Generation".


French chronicler who wrote Histoire de Saint Louis(1309), the principal source on the life of Louis IX.

儒安维尔,简 德1224?-1317法国编年史家,著有《圣路易史》(1309年),是关于路易九世生平的主要史料

Whenever a time counter is removed from Aeon Chronicler while it's removed from the game, draw a card.


Aeon Chronicler's power and toughness are each equal to the number of cards in your hand.


That is the view of their chronicler, Philip Ziegler, and he gives them pretty high marks.


The chronicler was mindful to teach his readers the importance of obeying the law of Moses.


I am sanctioned in this belief by Mark Bryant,the editor of Outside magazine,a regular chronicler of loony adventures for the less loony among us.


I am sanctioned in this belief by Mark Bryant, the editor of Outside magazine, a regular chronicler of loony adventures for the less loony among us.


The chronicler then tells us that for the second time they anointed Solomon as king, yet he gives no details of the first time.


After becoming Emperor of Rome, Nero's dearest ambition was to sing in public, according to the Roman chronicler Suetonius.


Whether one is analytical in approach or expressive, a chronicler of the times or a jazz musician, the humanities supports your form of engagement.


In keeping with the chronicler's priestly interest, much emphasis is placed upon the organization of the Temple and temple worship.


He became a chronicler of contemporary history in 1834, when he produced stunning images of the burning of the houses of parliament.


Fulcher of Chartres, the chronicler closest to Baldwin, does not mention the matter at all, which likely means that Baldwin had no legitimate reason to annul the marriage.


But she was encouraged in her writing by such friends as Egerton Winthrop and Walter Berry and somehow, while abroad, met Paul Bourget, the "chronicler of the bourgeoisie.

两人都不以为社会组织是理想的:詹姆斯,一如我们所看到的,以个人的形象从美国输入他的 理想。

On the other hand, if the card-drawing ability is put on the stack on top of the suspend ability, then Aeon Chronicler is 1/1 by the time it comes into play.


No doubt the chronicler included this information to encourage the returned exiles of his day to obey God and serve Him faithfully, that He might bless Israel once again.


If you have no cards in hand when Aeon Chronicler's last time counter is removed, then the order in which the two abilities are put on the stack becomes relevant.


But the main reason the chronicler goes into such detail here is because accurate information was essential, since the priesthood and Levitical service was hereditary.


The chronicler includes this story to illustrate the wisdom and wealth of Solomon as a result of God's blessing (the commentary on 1 Kings 10 gives more details).


Legend has it that Chinese characters were invented by Cang Ji, the Master Chronicler of History for the Yellow Emperor, in the forms of figures of birds, animals, and objects.


A premier (首要的)chronicler of American middle-class life in all this Monday in glory (荣誉)and the writer most in tune of the way most Americans live.


In the 3rd century BC, Manetho, a Hellenistic Egyptian chronicler and priest, alleged that Moses was not a Jew, but an Egyptian renegade priest, called Osarseph, and portrayed the Exodus as the expulsion of a leper colony.


A chronicler in Cawston, Nottinghamshire, described the act of dribbling the ball at one of these games, writing that players would move forward or "propel" the ball with their feet.


Literary critics labeled him the chronicler of his generation who explored issues such as sex, divorce and postwar small town life in the United States with an erudite and evocative style.


Apparently, the chronicler presumes the readers' knowledge of the books of Samuel and Kings and therefore omits some historical facts (e.g. the general statements about Saul in 10:13-14).


Among the first Americans to catch the spirit of the new French painting, he became the principal Impressionist chronicler of New York City, modern America's most distinctive subject.


One who writes annals; a chronicler


According to certain chronicler, this great novelist is going to write no more long novel




In the account of Hezekiah's reign, the chronicler is careful to note that the reason for Hezekiah's success was that he honoured God, sought Him with his whole heart, and obeyed His Law (31:21;
