
Kenny tried to chum up with his new roommate but was only partially successful.


He's going to chum with a friend next month instead of having a room to himself.


They used to chum in with each other in the past.


Winking conspiratorially at his chum.


In Taipei he met a boyhood chum.


Sorry, chum, we got orders to blot you out.


The lodge-keeper had a son who was a chum of Master Grossjay's.


Chum Ruby International Corporation Pey.Ltd.


Thanks, mate. A little chum for Chum, eh?


"Listen, old chum," Mel said.


I notice it didn't take Julian long to chum up with the new secretary.


There's your old chum, Francis Getliffe and his friends.


If you've got a problem chum.


Okay, chum! Now, you try it! -If you can do it, I can do it!


Callicarpa kwangtungensis ChuM.


You see I would rather chum with the few mechanics there were in that station.


I notice it did not take Julian long to chum up with the new secretary.


They are harmless to humans if left alone and will not be attracted to chum.


How are we gonna get our truck in there, pal? -Just leaves it to me, chum!


This is a huge change in tone from his predecessor, Jacques Chirac, who treated Mr Putin as an ally and chum.


With sensors on the head, waist, and near the wheels, Pal and Chum demonstrated how they could react to commands.


They reached Se Dang Chum just as the enemy got there, prepared to head straight down the high road.


At the banquet table , I had the good fortune to sit vis-a-vis an old school chum.


He can only sit in the water and croak to other frogs, and can't be the chum of any human being.


So while my husband slept, helped by morphine, I' d clench my teeth, grip the wheel and feel my stomach chum.

当冉迪在吗啡的药效下睡着时,我便咬紧 牙,握紧方向盘,感觉自己的胃都在翻动。

Well, I don't lug too much stuff, just the stuff I need. Plus my dog, Grubby Pup, he's a chum indeed.


CHUM and MUHC will be the first sites in Canada to deploy the integrated software.


Good luck chum and mountains of happiness and good cheer on this auspicious day,Your Birthday!


However, those moves are actually formed by the basic moves of Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kiu and Bill Gee.

跟随约色夫练习咏春拳几年后,兰博来到了香港,师从大师施福 库桑(叶问最得道的一个徒弟)。

Your kung fu skills may be unparalleled old chum, but your comic delivery leaves something to be desired...


An old schoolmate and chum of mine, of ten years ago, wants me to read him all that I write as fast as I write it.


Japtik lives on the tundra in a reindeer-skin tent or chum with his wife, mother and three-year-old nephew Albert.

贾皮提克与妻子、母亲、以及 三岁的侄子艾伯特一起住在冻土带上一个驯鹿皮制成的帐篷里。

When our metal chum tries to evade the US fighter pilots, his agility is mirrored in the sound.


"Women's work in the Nenets nomad culture includes the assembly and disassembly of the family chum, a tent made of larch poles and reindeer skins.


In this paper, the Malania Olcifera Chum Oil was extractedand optimized by organic solvent. Its wixed fat acids were sep-arated with drixed solvent.


As a result, the model, which can make a prediction of customer's chum probability, put forward to the purposes desired are accomplished.


Depending on the time of year, fish species such as cutthroat trout, chum and coho salmon and steelhead can be found in the lake.

像所有的 湖和湿地一样,这个地区吸引著广泛与多样的水鸟。

I will chum with you, and suffer when you suffer, and laugh when you alugh.I will bite my tongue when impatient words come.


When asked about Duch's apology, Chum Mey responded: "A few tear drops could not wash away the suffering of millions who died.


Hitachi said Pal and Chum, which have a vocabulary of about 100 words, could be "trained" for practical office and factory use in as little as five to six years.


Hitachi said Pal and Chum, which have a vocabulary of about100 words, could be" trained" for practical office and factory use in as little as five to six years.


After luring a great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) with chum, diver Andre Hartman ends up perilously close to the premier predator off the coast of Gansbaai, South Africa.


According to SPS of WTO, a risk assessment on the public and aquatic health impact and spread of Vibrio alginolyticusin imported frozen Chum salmon was conducted respectively.


For all those who donated through the Union, CHUM will provide receipts for prove, and in the days to come, explanations on how the money were used would be sent to individuals.


Home to seven people and eleven dogs, the [Serotetta family's chum, or tent,] stays warm in subzero weather with the aid of an iron stove vented through a smoke hole above.


And the Tories' sole Latvian chum is a mild-mannered economist, a wing of whose party annually honours Latvians who fought with the Waffen SS against Soviet forces.


Dragged alongside the unmanned submersible SeaRover, liquid tuna and chum attracted this rosy rockfish, swimming by a basket sea star in the waters of Monterey Bay, California.


A friend; a chum.


Chum up with sb.


Chum around with sb.
