
Cirrus is formed from ice crystals.


Cirrus clouds are often thin and tenuous.


The most beautiful cloud is cirrus.


Love is like the cirrus growing in our hearts.


If the metallic bedstead like cirrus twines feminine dream.


They are the first cirrus clouds seen on an outer planet.


Cirrus: Very Good, now I got no problem with it anymore....


Pieces of thin, white cirrus clouds appear around the Great Dark Spot.


You can no longer use your NETELLER Card on the Cirrus network or outside of Canada.


Cirrus Logic anticipates the acquisition to close by the end of August.


Orange and red colors indicate very high clouds, like cirrus clouds on Earth.


Cirrus sac located between intestinal fork and acetabulum, 0.259-0.388×0.146-0.178 mm.


In the atmosphere cirrus clouds have a special importance because of their great height and cold temperature.


Away from this cirrus shield, some low-level spiral cloud lines can also be clearly seen.


Rococo style once also had used flower, leaf and cirrus to regard an illuminative as the element.


It uses the slope parameter for eliminating cirrus according Negri-Adler method.

参照Negri-Adler的方法 ,应用斜率参数消除卷云 ;

A new kind of graphic display adjuster based on 32-bit embedded chip EP7312 of Cirrus Logic Inc.has been designed.

设计了一种基于Cirrus Logic公司的32位嵌入式芯片EP7312的图形显示调节器。

Perhaps we have had such an agreement: to be turned together to see cirrus clouds, the flowers bloom.


These clouds show what Cirrus floccus clouds might look like an hour or so after they form.


They are no different from the cirrus clouds that naturally form in that region of the atmosphere.


MasterCard International has MasterCard, Maestro, Mondex, Cirrus, and other brand names.


And it has the ability to detect the physical and optical characteristics of the cirrus and aerosols.


One of these innumerable crimp cirrus almost climbs to the tip top of the house.


There were high cumulus clouds and enough cirrus above them so that the old man knew the breeze would last all night.


Chang Lumu is qualitative big cane this, have linear, 3 cracked cirrus, can climb aid to be as high as 7-8 rice.


MasterCard International owns Cirrus, and Visa International owns about a third of Plus System.


Nimbus is an underlay that is easy to handle while the Cirrus underlay is good for reducing sound and keeping heat.


This is created when sunlight shines through cirrus clouds full of tiny hexagonal ice crystals shaped like plates.


From cumulus to cirrus, clouds have fascinated painters and poets.But they baffle scientists...


CIRRUS:A high-altitude cloud composed of narrow bands or patches of thin, generally white, fleecy parts.


Prior to founding Bridge360, Hall led the delivery of products worldwide for such industry leaders as IBM, BMC Software and Cirrus Logic.

Bridge360成立以前,Hall便为诸如IBM、BMC Software以及Cirrus Logic等产业领先公司在国际上发布产品。

Then,using a semi empirical/theoretical methord,a nonlinear correction scheme for SST retrievals in cirrus cloud atmospheres is developed.


Analogous to a sundog or parhelion, the paraselene is produced by moonlight shining through thin, hexagonal-shaped ice crystals in high cirrus clouds.


Sometimes these clouds are so extensive that they are virtually indistinguishable from one another, forming a sheet of cirrus called cirrostratus.


Suddenly, the cirrus cloud holding a still lake protrudes from the picture, as if a deep slit is torn on the background of noisy disorder.


This site offers about 20 images of various cloud types, taken from space, including thunderstorms over Brasil, jetstream cirrus clouds.


For a circumhorizon arc to be visible, the Sun must be at least 58 degrees high in a sky where cirrus clouds are present.


Parthasarathy Sudarshan, chief executive of Cirrus Electronics, pleaded not guilty Tuesday at a U.S. federal court in Washington.


Abstract: DISORT method was employed to study radiative properties of cirrus clouds in the shortwave infrared spectral region.

摘 要: 采用离散纵标法耦合大气分子吸收,模拟计算了卷云大气的反射特性。

When viewed from the ground, bands of threadlike cirrus clouds often seem to emerge from a single point on the western horizon.


Abstract: A polarization Mie lidar has been developed for measuring profiles of depolarization ratio of cirrus clouds and dust aerosols.

摘要: 研制了一台偏振-米散射激光雷达,用于卷云和沙尘气溶胶后向散射光退偏振比的探测研究。

It will use radar, balloons and aircraft to look at the role of another sort of high-altitude cloud: cirrus clouds, which get spun off the tops of storms.


At last, setting the CS8952 of Cirrus Logic company for example , the layout recommendation of physical interface IC and how to implement by Allegro are introduced.


A closer look can bring out further details. The bright patch near the storm centre is the cirrus canopy - high clouds emanating outwards from the top of the centre.


From cumulus to cirrus, clouds have fascinated painters and poets. But they baffle scientists who say a greater understanding of them is needed for accurate climate predictions.


Caption:: The image shown is the night launch of space shuttle Endeavour. The combination of the launch, a nearly full moon, high cirrus clouds make for an amazing show.


Sometimes convection at high altitudes produces another form of cirrus called cirrocumulus, a pattern of small cloud tufts which include droplets of supercooled water.


He looked at the sky and saw the white cumulus built like friendly piles of ice cream and high above were the thin feathers of the cirrus against the high September sky.


From cumulus to cirrus , clouds have fascinated painters and poets. But they baffle scientists who say a greater understanding of them is needed for accurate climate predictions.


This kind of curtain wraps a form to finish through coiling litre fall, let you fall in the shade since shade those who feel cloud cirrus easy is satisfied.
