
A claustrophobic little room.


I told em I was claustrophobic, I go get ou here!


I told them I was claustrophobic, I gotta get outta here!


The staff members are jammed into a nest of claustrophobic offices.


The audience reaction is a sort of claustrophobic impression.


I wouldn't try this if you are the least bit claustrophobic.


It was very claustrophobic and your vision is very limited.


The staff members are jammed into a nest of claustrophobic offices).


It felt slightly claustrophobic and when we got down there it was very chilly.


I've been house bound for the last year. How claustrophobic could I be?


Ken must have noticed my anxiety and whispered, “Claustrophobic, darling?


If you spend all your time at work, it can start to feel claustrophobic.


"It felt slightly claustrophobic and when we got down there it was very chilly.


Can you swim underwater for a few seconds without feeling claustrophobic?


Most sushi restaurants are intimate, nearly claustrophobic places.The space Mr.


A Vermont woman described as claustrophobic is being charged with interfering with a flight.


Ken must have noticed my anxiety and whispered, claustrophobic, darling? I shook my head.


I felt very claustrophobic, which is abnormal for me since I only get that feeling in large crowds.


I felt dizzy, claustrophobic and had an intense desire to get back to the cottage.


"It felt slightly claustrophobic and when we got down tITe it were Very abundance chilly.


I felt safe in my little glass bubble, it was not claustrophobic and there were some spectacular panoramic views.


Vermont woman described as claustrophobic is being charged with interfering with a flight.


Downstairs, in the bar, it had a much more friendly atmosphere, but upstairs felt oppressive and claustrophobic.


It belongs in urban, public spaces and can serve as an accessible alternative to stuffy or claustrophobic offices.


It should be dark, claustrophobic, and filled with more blood and horror then we can poke a sharp stick at.


A friend who lived in a little 1)claustrophobic village he had an uncle who was a 2)goldsmith in The Hague.


People who are claustrophobic suffer palpitations and anxiety attacks when they are enclosed in a small area.


I felt claustrophobic as I entered the narrow living room, which was filled with old musty overstuffed furniture that today would be collector's items.


A claustrophobic woman got into a confrontation with a flight crew, causing a United Airline's jet from London to divert to Boston.


I felt claustrophobic as I entered the narrow living room,which was filled with old musty overstuffed furniture that today would be collector's items.


So, you think it would be great to see a TV comedy about a claustrophobic cupcake baker who moonlights as an exotic dancer.


Can you keep swimming when you get a side stitch, calf cramp, or foot cramp?Can you swim underwater for a few seconds without feeling claustrophobic?


I have a very deep impression of the claustrophobic, oppressive even, atmosphere on the train, and the physical exhaustion of travel.


There's just enough trees to form a canopy, creating a more enclosed, claustrophobic feel, while allowing a huge range of visual effects.


Trapped in the claustrophobic sub, what causes Magnus to lose control of herself and act both violent and irrationally euphoric?


To those used to claustrophobic living quarters and the isolation of island living, a mini-Bio2 seems positively charming.


A change of scenery helps to put the workplaceinto perspective.If you spend all your time at work, it can start tofeel claustrophobic.


Although jia was $home cooking oil brings "fire, with the flowers," jin, but she was the royal palace claustrophobic in deep.


They allow the patients to see out into the room during the scan which makes the whole experience a lot less claustrophobic.


A claustrophobic woman got into a confrontation with a flight crew, causing a United Airlines jet from London to divert to Boston.


In the works: Rage, a futuristic story-driven game that promises Grand Theft Auto-style exploration and adventure as well as the expected claustrophobic gun-wielding action.


Whether it is indicated for claustrophobic or high-acuity patients, anecdotal reports suggest increasing patient safety concerns paralleling the growing use of anesthesia.


Foreigners in the treaty ports lived charmed, if claustrophobic lives, protected from the outside by gunboats, foreign troops and immunity from Chinese laws.


You might not think that cosmologists could feel claustrophobic in a universe that is 46 billion light-years in radius and filled with sextillions of stars.


Can the fact that you are, for example, a heterosexual, white, male, European, of a solid economic status, living your life "by-the-book," be claustrophobic?


Chances are good that if your ex boyfriend was the one who did the "breaking up," it was either because the relationship became stale or claustrophobic.

那么如何让他回心转意?不要再做让他心碎的事情。反省自己,想想他为什么会离开你,并想办法改掉这些毛病 。

The view out of the A22 Valor makes even a helicopter seem claustrophobic and works well for photography as the doors can easily be removed which makes for spectacular photos!


Lucy and Jorge Orta, two contemporary artists, have created the set; Nitin Sawhney, a musician, provides a near-constant claustrophobic soundscape; and several talented actors, led by Harriet Walter and Imogen Stubbs, recount the ordeals of the besieged.


The air is fresher in “A Death in Vienna”, although the dark, claustrophobic corridors of St Florian's military school, set in the Vienna woods, harbour their own bloody secrets.


Living here is deeply claustrophobic where once we could spend time speaking with top members of the Iraqi Government, we now fear to tread because of the threat of being kidnapped.
