
This sage conclave disputed high and drank deep.


Faerie Conclave comes into play tapped.


The conclave is the first of its kind since 1991.


The Masters Conclave event serves many purposes.


A conclave of cardinals was held to elect the new Pope.


In this conclave of young heads, there was one bald member.


One Conclave can lift one through four to six months of ascension.


Signore, I ask and I prey, that you break this conclave.


At a second conclave, in February in Ankara, they set up a brisk work programme and asked others to join.


Many last year manifest donations for themselves also to cover Conclave fees.


Never mind that the conclave is more than a kilometre away- and on the other side of the Huangpu river.


The Spiritual School of Ascension produces two larger four-day events per year called" Masters Conclave".


For those that have joined us in years past for Masters Conclave, we invite you to join us again.


Yet the conclave is likely to do little to change perceptions about the precariousness of world oil markets.


Never mind that the conclave is more than a kilometre away - and on the other side of the Huangpu river.


We invite you to join us at the Masters Conclave this year or next if you are so guided from within.


At Conclave in Maui I gave a speech on my thoughts about Truth and also held a mini workshop on the subject.


Joe sprawled uneasily in his seat, not willing to go till the family conclave was dissolved.


No one is sure whether the Conclave actually brainwashes anyone or not, but many members certainly act like they do.

从多数公会成员的行为上看, 盟会甚至有可能使用了诸如洗脑一类的手段, 尽管没人能够确定。

And next year there will be an important quinquennial party conclave, followed by the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.


It is for this purpose that our channel has created the annual Masters Conclave events.


Following Conclave in Jasper this year past, three small pieces were released as they no longer served.


The Conclave of Shadows has ended the murderous Nighthawk brotherhood's horrific reign of terror and death.

在线阅读本书 The dread plot to destroy the Empire of Great Kesh has failed.

We invite those willing to join us at Masters Conclave 2003 to make the commitment now to attend.


Cardinals from six continents open their first conclave of the new millennium today.


We invite those that feel called to join us at our Masters Conclave events, or for our Self Study Program.


Furthermore they have added the gold and silver octaves of the Language of ONE as of this Conclave past.


There are many of such patterns, and they are due to be corrected during the Masters Conclave event this year.


Indeed during the Masters Conclave event in Hawaii last month, the flame of divine union was ignited again upon earth.


Each Conclave into the future will also be utilized to bring forth the message of ascension to humanity.


Feeling the pod based flow whilst holding space for a conclave helped me to see that this was indeed possible.


Earth asks each who is willing to join her to come to our “Masters Conclave” events.


This information shall pour through beginning after our Masters Conclave event is fulfilled upon this November.


Also please join us at our Masters Conclave ahead as it is the Heart of the Tao that is hosting our upcoming event.


The Spiritual School of Ascension produces two larger four-day events per year called "Masters Conclave".


Peter's Basilica in the Vatican after being elected by the conclave of cardinals, April 19, 2005.


The Republican convention was a gloomy conclave, and it seemed that the delegates knew they were going through necessary motions.


We hope that many more shall join us in Jasper for our Conclave events and create magical experiences for oneself with nature!


Please join us in our collaborative endeavors to anchor world peace through the release of human warfare karma at our Masters Conclave this October.


In his homily at a Mass Monday before the conclave started, Cardinal Ratzinger denounced modern trends undermining Catholicism.


The Conclave saw these rogues as a threat to the new order and charged the Templar caste with hunting and destroying them.


We honor each that chose to hold space for the release of human warfare karma this Conclave past, whether present at the event, or focused from afar.


Our Big Sky Conclave event was a large success that allowed for a new music to begin to flow in the co-creative will center of earth.


Cardinals will deal with the day-to-day running of the Church until they elect a new pope at a conclave later in the month.


I further invite you to support me to transcending a major global initiation in late September at the event known as 'Masters Conclave.


We have had many initiates attend our Conclave events this year that came playing only a chord of sound and left with a short but sweet music score.


Such an unlimited amount of chi can be seen as Mila and Oa teach an Intensive or hold the space for larger events known as Masters Conclave.


We also look forward to the continued dance with those that join us at our Masters Conclave or Group Mastery Program this year and in the decade ahead!


It is through the act of synthesis that our channels are holding space at their annual Conclave for releasing all human karma for warfare.


These are the two main issues any ascending initiate must address in order to ascend and it is for this reason that Conclave serves the map carvers so.
