
Conscientiousness is expected of a student.


Individual conscientiousness has its limits.


Conscientiousness is positively related to job involvement.


It can be a sign of conscientiousness; though it can also be the reverse.


Strong sense of responsibility, conscientiousness and team spirit and excellent coordinating and communicating skills.


The results showed that the agreeableness and conscientiousness of high middle school teachers had the highest score.


They sell themselves short on the issue of conscientiousness, the study finds; they're actually quite thoughtful.


The 26 volumes of Lenin’s works will remain forever a model of the highest theoretical conscientiousness.


Strong sense of responsibility, conscientiousness and team spirit and excellent coordinating and communicating skills.


At least, I've done the best I could, it's kind of conscientiousness in my responsiblity.


Possessing the qualities of deligence, conscientiousness and honesty. Being eager and quick to learn.


The motto of the company is unity, practicality, conscientiousness and aggressiveness.


Her straightforwardness, integrity and conscientiousness have won the respect of judges and defense lawyers.


Her preciseness, seriousness, humility and conscientiousness impressed everyone deeply.


By exertion, conscientiousness, self-control and moderation, a wise should make an island, that a flood can not overwhelm.


The monk, who is devoted to conscientiousness and who is fearful of negligence, advances like a fire, burning the fetters, small or big.


There had a more positive relationship between traditional ethics culture and students' conscientiousness as institutionalized socialization tactics.


The monk, who is devoted to conscientiousness and who is fearful of negligence, unable to regress, he is just in the vicinity of the Nirvana.


The standards of mental health should be generalized from three aspects: conscientiousness, agreeableness and self attainment.


In addition, my personality equips me with the quality of conscientiousness, initiative, responsibility and co-operation.


Q. is above 135, and I had sufficient conscientiousness, emotional stability and intellectual openness to pass my classes.Plus, I can recognize a tree.


It was also found that there is a significant effect between conscientiousness of personality traits and entrepreneurial innovation.


Big Five is the abbreviation of five personality factors, it includes: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to experience, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness.


Big Five Model is widely used nowadays, the five factors include: neuroticism , extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness.


Conscientiousness measures the extent to which individuals are hardworking, organized, dependable, and persevering as opposed to lazy, disorganized, and unreliable.


In Chinese traditional education ideas, conscientiousness, agreeableness, cultivation oneself to be good to the group always shared a very important status.


The second goal is my personal goal.I want to pursue an auspicious and tranquil mood, in which I can maintain enthusiasm with passion and forthrightness with conscientiousness.


Arizona, on the other hand, ranked high on conscientiousness but low on neuroticism, signifying that people there like order and discipline but are relatively relaxed.


In addition, the relationships between the personality traits of neuroticism-impulsiveness and conscientiousness and entrepreneurial revolution are significantly effect as well.


Most of the early Russian Bread cooks were those who migrated to the Northeast from Shandong.Their diligence and conscientiousness brought them handsome income.


In regression analysis, work method and conscientiousness entered the regression equation, and the two factors could explain 52.2% variation of work autonomy.


Conscientiousness: Enterprise respect staff and create conditions to assure staff's living and realization of their values.Staff respect their posts and love their careers.


This influence of conscientiousness on longevity was found to be as large or larger than many better known factors affecting longevity, such as socio-economic status.


Only hasthe conscientiousness, diligently works, can display persons completepotential, makes a more splendid result, the realization life greatestvalue!


What really counts in the world is conscientiousness, and the Communist Party is the most particular about being conscientious.


But still,I repeat,they are no guarantee for sanctity or even for conscientiousness,they may attach to the man of the world,to the profligate,to the heartless,pleasant,alas,and attractive as he shows when decked out in them.


Regional government depends on local government,local government depends on the councils,councils depend on committees,and committees depend on the conscientiousness of their individual members; the whole idea is a house of cards!


Five Factor Model (FFM) is a taxonomy of personality which is widely used in personnel assessement. It propsoes five factors of personaliy:extraversion, emotional stability, conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness to experience.

“大五”个性因素模型是目前一种个性分类理论模型 ,它以外向、情绪稳定性、责任意识、随和、开明性等五个因素来描述正常人群的个性特征。

When acceded to the personality traits of conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, three aspects of systemize commitment has apparent additive explanatory effect on the variables.


Regional government depends on local government,local government depends on the councils,councils depend on committees,and committees depend on the conscientiousness of their individual members;the whole idea is a house of cards!


Statistical results indicate that except neuroticism alone, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience could predict college students' job searching behavior.


The factor analysis indicates that the OCB includes five dimensions, namely, organizational loyalty, assisting co-workers, organizational participation, conscientiousness and self-development.


They evaluated levels of five personality traits -- neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness -- and compared them with published norms for each trait.


In this study as part of constitutes concerning personality traits, we lay stress on five major categories: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness.


On the other hand, team interaction, expertise, team growth and conscientiousness all had a positive moderating effect on the relationships among personality, shared mental model, and team learning.

团队成长在严谨性 与知识分享、严谨性与团体动力间,分别扮演正向调节效果的角色。

Among the sub-factors of conscientiousness, it was ambition and discipline that were particularly important for longevity, whereas responsibility and self-control were less important.


Kern said it's possible that as well as affecting health behaviours, conscientiousness also influences the kind of people we end up mixing with and the situations we find ourselves in.


The studies on the relationship between conscientiousness and correlative variables focused on work performance.The results showed that conscientiousness influences work performance significantly.


Xile insist in technologies in advance, quality at first, management precisely and co-operation by win-win game. We also pursuit our spirit of sincerity, credit, profession and conscientiousness.


Our excellent and professional employee is a guarantee of fine quality of the products and service that we supplied on the philosophy of Innovation, Quality, Conscientiousness and Service.
