
He's a conscript.


They proposed to conscript both capital and labour.


His decision in the thou the city conscript.


Conscript clip size = 6, increased reload time.


The Imperial Warrior IFV is a better version of the Conscript IFV.


There you have it, conscript.


Large-scale exercises are a rarity for the conscript army, which in any case is heavily committed in Chechnya.


But the International Criminal Court has decided to limit the charges against him to conscripting child soldiers.


This Boci contributes a lot to understanding the situation of conscripting Renfang during the end of Shang Dynasty.


By means of conscripting labor, moving troops and recruiting famine refugee, the question of labor was settled.


"Ah, come now, conscript," said Fauchelevent, "none of this despair.


He's accused of conscripting children under the age of 15 into his rebel movement in eastern Congo.


Upon the expiration of his active service, a conscript may, according to the need of the armed forces and on a voluntary basis, extend his service.


Unseal 2008 how much is the time of conscript! ! What does specific details have! ! ! !


The Conscript IFV is a relatively weak anti-infantry vehicle, sporting a chain gun which doesn't act like a chain gun.


People were overload with taxes, military service and conscript labor. complaints could be heard everywhere.


Is conscript check-up short of contagion the relation that get a point can is pass a barrier pulled?


In previous civ games, units have only a few levels: conscript, regular, veteran, and elite.


Unseal 2008 how much is the time of conscript! ! What does specific details have! !!!


As the Nazis start losing the war they conscript thousands of teenagers into a “British legion” of the Waffen-SS.


Sure wasn't I one myself 'til a week ago.They can jail us.They can shoot us.They can even conscript us.


What does conscript check-up have is there scar to you can go on specific requirement body?


At two o'clock in the morning, the sentinel, who was an old soldier,was relieved, and replaced by a conscript.


The practice of allowing a conscript to pay someone to take his place should be continued.


In Jian'an period of Han Dynasty,conscript soldiers replaced gradually compulsory soldiers and became the main body of the army.

建安年间 ,募兵逐渐取代义务兵成为军队的主要成分。

Later, Long, one of American conscript fathers accepted the idea of ESOP and launched a campaign of applying it by legislation.


A conscript in the first Chechen war (1994-96), Mr Babchenko volunteered to fight in the second (which started in 1999) for reasons he leaves unclear.


All but one of the women spent time as conscript soldiers in the Palestinian territories during the uprising that erupted in 2000.


Somebody writes below advertisement: "I am willing to attend very much, but conscript office is however opposite of the driveway.


My daughter spent her days down by the lake, chaperoned by a long-haired conscript or watching Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, and Russian children's programs on TV.


The person of wayside course asks go out for a battle the soldier how, soldier of go out for a battle just says to press register conscript very frequent.


The Argentine conscript border guards were as charmless a bunch of fellows as you'd expect to find dispatched to a deserted road on top of a freezing cold mountain.


That "conscript" was at home busily engaged in looking for his card, and at some difficulty in finding it in his lodgings, since it was in Fauchelevent's pocket.


His background as a conscript in the Hitler Youth and German army in World War II demanded something more personal and contrite from this particular pontiff.


All are welcome, Union or Confederate, the good or the bad, as long as they served in some military capacity whether it was volunteer, conscript, or contract.


Not quite documentary, not quite drama, this reenactment of a fictional conscript's life building the Great Pyramid of Giza is best described as docudrama.


Conscript reporting.


Every time an 18-year-old Israeli conscript stops a man or woman at a checkpoint or presses the button for a "targeted assassination", the moral core of a country becomes a little bit smaller.


More than this, when elections were held he often remained even until night, never leaving the senate-chamber until the consul announced," We detain you no longer, Conscript Fathers".


A vast conscript army was called up, for which there was neither adequate military equipment nor a proper supply of competent officers, and this great host, ill supplied and badly handled, was hurled against the German and Austrian frontiers.


We stood on a rise overlooking the lake. My daughter was out there in a rowboat with the bored conscript She had quickly found out that she could order him around and have him obey, and she made him run errands like a schoolboy.

我们站在一块俯瞰整个湖泊的高地上,看见我女儿和那无精打采的士兵坐在一条划艇上。 她很快就发现自己可任意使唤他,让他俯首听命,诚惶诚恐,活像个小学生。

Some members of the largely conscript army "now rival women in the use of cosmetics, and some even order wigs to disguise their short hair for the vacation," according to the website of Chosun Ilbo newspaper.


In the Ming Dynasty the imperial household used charcoal obtained and made by forced conscript labour, but the charcoal used as fuel by officials and the city populace was bought through market channels.


Even into the 1990s China had little more than a conscript army of ill-educated peasants using equipment based largely on obsolete Soviet designs of the 1950s and outdated cold-war (or even guerrilla-war) doctrine.


In 2005, a military conscript believed to be angered by taunts from senior officers killed eight fellow soldiers, throwing a grenade into a barracks where his comrades were sleeping and firing a hail of bullets.


Abstract: Beijing today wintry conscript job arouses congress comes out message, check-up of whole town conscript and politics careful job will spread out at the beginning of November.


Answer agreement writing says, "Medical of every time conscript, I say to surgeon I do not have disease, still draw out big money and him to bet, but I also had not won!But I also had not won!!


to call up; to enlist; to draft; to conscript


"No, it'd be like dragging in a conscript."


A conscript in a shabby uniform saluted the car.
