
So TDD forces you to decouple modules.


Others hope to decouple migration policy from party politics.


But it rarely hitches up to the decouple control technology.


In order to test a module in isolation, you must decouple it.


Domestic demand will decouple from the global cycle, in our view.


If you can decouple them, you can more easily code, test, and maintain them.


The goal is to gradually decouple the system and improve its modularity.


Burnham warns. ‘You’ve got to find a way to decouple emotions from money.


Finally, two hardware decouple methods were compared on their merit and fault.


So, one reason to create a custom authentication mechanism is to decouple authentication from the transport.


The truth is that looking back over 10 years of history, we are seeing Asia decouple a bit from the U.S.," he said.


Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.


In heterogeneous and dynamic environments we must decouple the event producers and consumers.


It showed that eccentric pressure is produced by eccentric decouple charge blasting on borehole wall.


How have these export-dependent economies managed to decouple from the developed world?


By using stubs (see the section "Stubs," earlier in this book), you can further decouple yourself from the supplier.

当你同意和包的供应商协调活动时, 你们可以一起写测试。

Instead, decouple the legal right from the religious rite, and emphasize the idea of acceptance without endorsement.


On the basis of using GPC, the neural network text used to decouple the branch system so as to accomplish the control.


S. analysts tend to decouple China's domestic politics from its foreign policy and assess the two separately.


Some years into the future, economists may instead ask: “Can America decouple from China?


Changes in energy technologies and in the structure of economies have created opportunities to decouple growth from greenhouse gas emissions.


Fortunately, you can use AOP to decouple specific components from the system and replace them with generic, interface-based components.


Use Observer to decouple data model representation from view generation, which enables multiple, independent views of the same data.


It employs a service curve based QoS model, and its unique feature is an ability to decouple delay and bandwidth allocation.


In the process of design,it saves the troubles of deriving and precise calculating decouple of the rectifying tower precise mathematical model.


It is very hard. do you want to decouple gravity? matter necessarily couple to the space-time backgroud which is essentially a condensate of graviton.


To resolve the paradigm non-matching problem and decouple data access logic form business logic,a light-weight ORM architecture are brought forward.


Effect of decouple coefficient, cutting seam width of pipe and material properties of pipe for rock damnification is tested and analysed.


Based on the characteristics of MCM interconnections, a simple and effective method is presented to decouple lossy coupled transmission lines.


Confirmation that emerging markets could avoid catching financial pneumonia when the US caught a cold was good reason to “decouple”.


Economists argue fiercely about whether emerging economies can decouple from the United States, yet by some measures they seem to have done so already.


By the choice of the weighting polynomial matrix, it can not only eliminate the steady state error, but also decouple the system.


First, many market participants simply do not believe that economies can decouple from the US, in spite of the evidence cited above.


But here's the punch line: A capital-dependent America can't decouple from the world, or we will face the danger of our own hubris.


Asia's ability to decouple from America reflects the fact that the region's downturn was caused only partly by the slump in American activity.


For farmers, one way out of this dilemma is to decouple the price they are paid from the international commodities markets.


Whether emerging economies decouple from the US in the current cycle is merely a sideshow if you look beyond the next 12 months.


Developed and emerging markets are unlikely to decouple, so any correction in developed markets will extend to emerging markets.


If you believe it, then you believe that Chinese economy can decouple itself from the world economy especially the US economy.


In our experiment, we consider horizontal direction and perpendicular direction decouple, so we utilize state space description analysis system model.


Thus China and emerging-market economies cannot fully decouple from the fortunes--or misfortunes--of the advanced economies.


My primary goal in the discussion above has been to highlight the fact that it is a mistake to decouple food production from food processing and preservation.


The ESB may provide persistent queueing support which can be used to decouple the provider having to be available when the consumer sends the service request.


Again, the goal here is to decouple the requester and the provider of a service, so that additional quality of services and management can be applied in the bus.


The orthogonality relationship is applied to the treatment of boundary conditions to decouple the coefficient equations, and the explicit solutions are obtained.


This implies that the DFC controller can decouple the movement modes and can accurately calculate the 3 modes of the direct lift control such as direct lift and pitch pointing.


Meanwhile, the software framework can decouple the embedded GUI software system and RTOS, to improve the maintainability, understandability and extensibility.


A nonlinear state feedback control law is designed to decouple the output from the delayed state variables and realize precise linearization between the output and input channels.


This method is based on nonuniformity of the transmission lines, not using the abrupt cascade models , and does not need to decouple the coupled telegraph equations.


Robert Prior-Wandesforde, an economist at HSBC, says that those who argue that Asian economies cannot decouple from America are ignoring the fact that they already have.
