
Jordan is a better shooter. He has better defens.


Introduction DeFen Printing Machine Manufacturing CO. Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in producing logo imprinter by introducing German technology.


The firm says marketers would do better to build a defensibly large market position in one city, rather than small positions over a wide area.


Defens is more of a problem right now. They just keep go inside, Rox could do nothing except fouling. Small line up isn't going to work against Clippers.


Yu Defen,Sun Caixin,Gu Leguan,et al.The research to token on flash over characteristics of insulator in the acid wet precipitation[J].Proceedings oftheCSEE,2001,21(4):16-19.


Two types of defense inclination BHA which has the third or the fourth stabilizers are designed and applied in drilling engineer,field tests shown that the effect of defens...


FIVB will have issued new volleyeall rules form 1st January 1995. The new rule hasfeen mede on Service area, holding and doufle hit so as to encourage defen ce for a more interestingcompetition.

从1995年1月1日起,国际排联开始执行新的排球竞赛规则。 新规则为鼓励防守,使比赛更加有趣,对发球区、持球和连击等作了新的规定。

Yu Defen,Gu Leguan,Sun Caixin,et al.The research to token on flashover characteristics of insulator in the acid wet precipitation [J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2001,21(4):15-19(in Chinese).


nuclear, biological and chemical warfare defens

原子、生物、化学战防护, 三防


可辩护地 可保卫地

