
It also denounces all acts of terrorism.


The surgeon denounces that allegation as ludicrous.


The shadow which they bear in their glance denounces them.


The press denounces clandestine support for the counterrevolution.


Who denounces his conduct to his face? Who repays him for what he has done?


If a man denounces his friends for reward, the eyes of his children will fail.


Friends of the Earth denounces what is being traded as “the new subprime”.


His work denounces urban life styles which he personally dislikes for practical and psychological reasons.


We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our separation,hold them.


Schlamm denounces dialectics and the class struggle, not to mention the dictatorship of the proletariat.


He who denounces his friends for a share of the profit taken, Even the eyes of his children will fail.


He strongly despises and denounces hypocrites and villains, and encourages the Noble Spirit.


In his statement, Rep.Garrett denounces Chinese continued attempts to threaten Taiwan with military force.


Another is set to the tune of Britney Spears' 1998 hit, Baby One More Time, and denounces both CNN and the BBC.


The central government resolutely denounces this kind of action and will never allow it to succeed.


Customer service is domestic network game all the time most the problem that denounces.


"Big country the premier denounces firewood for countrywoman " the story also should end.


Network humanness denounces, basically put in a large number of low common, bawdy information because of it.


At first, has with the placard to six police's behaviors denounces severely the language, but hugs to the dead sympathizes.


Mr da Silva denounces the invasion of Iraq, yearns for a “new geography” that would dilute American power and has resisted the FTAA.


They already need to look for an export for their depressed mood, but more is right “the hidden rule” one kind resists and denounces.


Draws bonus parsimoniously in the part To be listed fully suffered denounces, Minsheng Bank's here revises especially noticeably.


Lee Chew, a Chinese Immigrant, Describes Life in the United States and Denounces Anti-Chinese Prejudice, 1882, pp. 172-173.


Compared with the ethics of natural economy which denounces personal gain and self desire, the ethic of market economy approves self benefit.


The group has not appeared the Chinese soccer degenerates into the object which the media denounces in word and in writing.


Even President Lula now denounces protectionism, though many foreign governments, noting Brazil's still fairly high import taxes, are unconvinced.


The dress quality that they offer denounces repeatedly, character does not have promotion from beginning to end however.


It is believed that it serves a racialist and a defender of the imperialism while it denounces the brutal behaviors of colonialists in the colonies.


It begins to protest and agitate just as soon as any tax begins to act protectively, and it denounces any tax that one citizen levies on another.


He talks of workers' “exploitation”, denounces Mr Sarkozy for pandering to the rich, urges “revolt” and calls on the French to copy the rolling strikes in Guadeloupe.


We must, therefore, acquiesce in the Necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace, Friends.


The Chinese soccer the group has not gone beyond a line at Beijing Olympic Games, degenerated into the object which the media denounces in word and in writing.


China says Tibet has been part of its territory for more than seven centuries and denounces the Dalai Lama as a separatist who seeks to end Chinese rule of the Himalayan region.


It preaches a message of devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality of mankind and denounces superstitions and blind rituals.


We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

因此,我们不得不宣布与他们脱离,并且以对待世界上其它民族一样的态度对待他们:和我们作战,就是敌人; 和我们和好,就是朋友。

I am unwilling give the impression of weakness, equestrian falling-rising tone denounces him ferial the trouble that sees newspaper never be cleared away.


But, many reasons caused two surveys in large scale failed to give anything evident in real sense, some people denounces the existence of any ‘man’ as ‘wild’.


One day, the general should lead troops go out for a battle, be afraid that wife denounces guest elder brother however, at was to bind belt of a chastity to be on wife body.


We ought to, tITefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.


Beijing denounces the Dalai Lama as a separatist and blames him for masterminding the March 14 riots in Lhasa to derail preparations for the Beijing Olympics in August.


The Iranian regime considers America an implacable foe and routinely denounces it, in political speeches and organised rituals such as those fiery Friday prayers, as the Great Satan or “the Global Arrogance”.


China firmly denounces and opposes all forms of international terrorism, and proposes to strengthen dialogue and cooperation in the international community to jointly crack down on international terrorist activities.


While using the false and faked attitude of the rich contemporary life style praised by media, he implicitly denounces the all materialism, today's dominant way of thinking in Chinese society.


Disdaining euphemisms, he denounces American "terror" and "war crimes," castigates the public-bamboozling "government-media propaganda campaign" and floats comparisons to Mongols and Nazis.


The Roman Catholic Church in Brazil -- the world's largest Catholic country -- routinely denounces such programs as encouraging sex and contravening its stand against contraception.


Sum up different school intellective to the mood connotation and denotative understanding, the analysis denounces the concern of mood intelligence and working performance with explore.


The Chinese government routinely denounces him as a “splittist,” who is plotting to return Tibet to the corrupt feudal and monastic rule from which Chinese Communists liberated it, in 1951.


Labour MPs, packed into the government benches for the weekly ritual of prime minister's questions (PMQs), look on with grim, set faces as Mr Cameron mocks and denounces his antagonist.


But almost all of the philosophers of Science ignored Kuhn"s later work based on the taxonomic interpretation of incommensurability, Alexander Bird denounces Kuhn"s later work was a wrong turning.


But almost all of the philosophers of Science ignored Kuhn’s later work based on the taxonomic interpretation of incommensurability, Alexander Bird denounces Kuhn’s later work was a wrong turning.
