
This idiom refers derogatorily to people who are of the same kind.


Some people even use the word ‘deaf’ derogatorily as a synonym for ‘thief’.


A nickname (sometimes used derogatorily) referring to a person from Canada, Wisconsin,[1] or the Netherlands, referring to the large volume of cheese production in those locales.

应该是 cheese-head 吧 是对加拿大,威斯康辛州,荷兰人的一种别称,因为这些地方产奶酪。现在引申成骂人的话了。

If you have modest goals and just want to be an average teacher for the rest of your life, then you can simply do your job adequately or more derogatorily “retire or go to sleep” after you get tenure.


Close to the western summit there is the dried and frozen carcass of a leopard(Ernest Hemingway.The word is applied to a person, alive or dead, only derogatorily or humorously:

爬上西部山峰,那里有一只豹的干瘪冻僵的尸体(埃尼斯特 海明威)。这个词用于活着或死去的人,仅用于贬称或幽默:


adv. 减损地, 毁损地