
Afterwards, it happened the dethronement of the crown prince.


There are plenty of reasons to doubt the dollar's dethronement.


The dethronement of learning is one of the most exciting intellectual frontiers we are now crossing.


In both the developing and developed worlds the call for the "dethronement of GNP" as the major objective of economic activiy was widely heard.


In both the developing and developed worlds the call for the "dethronement of GNP" as the major objective of economic activity was widely heard.


Initially from Shang,there was the notion that the ruler (the "son of heaven")governed by divine right but that his dethronement would prove that he had lost the mandate.


Initially from Shang ,there waw the notion that the ruler (the "son of heaven" )governed by divine right but that his dethronement would prove that he had lost the mandate.


As the important administrations on the county level in the Han Dynasty, marquis-states were established with subinfeudation, and abolished with dethronement.


For instance, beneath the French criticism of the economic functions of money, they wrote "Alienation of Humanity," and beneath the French criticism of the bourgeois State they wrote "dethronement of the Category of the General," and so forth.


For instance,beneath the French criticism of the economic functions of money,they wrote "Alienation of Humanity," and beneath the French criticism of the bourgeois State they wrote "dethronement of the Category of the General," and so forth.


40. In both the developing and developed worlds the call for the "dethronement of GNP" as the major objective of economic activiy was widely heard.


7. In both the developing and developed worlds the call for the "dethronement of GNP" as the major objective of economic activiy was widely heard.



n. 废位, 废立