
It's for serious writers,not emotionally stunted dilettantes!

是上给真正的作家的 不是给情感缺乏的业余人士的!

He says it is also a way of rooting out the dilettantes focused on high salaries.


Dilettantes will be pleased to check out the amazing new art exhibitions in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Korea.


Research is too important to be left to dilettantes and amateurs, and its pursuit should be reserved for those who are qualified for it by aptitude, education, and motivation.


In their intellectual pursuits, as in other departments of their lives, they risk becoming dilettantes, losing themselves in too many projects which they follow until they become difficult.

因 为 他 们 善 于 在 游 戏 的 气 氛 中 , 亲 近 你 , 瓦 解 你 你 的 武 装 , 引 导 你 开 发 自 己 潜 藏 的 快 乐 的 能 力 。