
His mind seemed as passive as a spectator at a diorama.


Here are the last 5 photos of my completed fighting top diorama.


In this opening programme, Wendy looks at a range of art therapies by visiting the Diorama Arts Centre in London.


The most appealing part of all is the diorama at the end of the exhibition.


Frazz, get a mop. Somebody made a moby-dick diorama in the fish tank.


Pride of place goes to a diorama showing former serfs merrily chucking “feudal documents” into a crackling fire.


My newest project is a diorama of a section of the HMS Victory during the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.


Pride of place goes to a diorama showing former serfs merrily chucking “feudal documents” into the fire.


I decided to add more of a story to my diorama, so I added 4 additional figures.


This is where the Duke comes in, strolling into our tale like a club-wielding Neanderthal from a diorama at the Natural History Museum.


Source from Blizzard: We are now accepting entries for our BlizzCon online contests, including our Diorama, Motivational Poster, and Movie contests.


Create a diorama or draw a picture using any art tools or the computer to illustrate your idea of what New York's Ground Zero, surrounding areas and its skyline should look like in the future.


The diorama of a shabby house in the center attracted my attention when we entered the exhibition area.It is a reconstruction of the environment where Ando invented the very first instant noodles.


Two Japanese LEGOsmiths used a whopping 65,000 bricks and 1,590 man hours to complete the stunning diorama, which even simulates a launch with flashing lights under the boosters and a vocal countdown.


For getting the diorama which accords accurately with the absolute model through multi-image pairs relative orientation, it is very useful for the application like getting the size of objects.


His mind seemed as passive as a spectator at a diorama


“History makes fair judgments,” reads the text of the sprawling exhibit whose emotional peak is a life-size diorama of gleeful Tibetans tossing feudal documents into a bonfire.



n. 透视画, 立体布景

"diorama:a three-dimensional miniature or life-size scene in which figures, stuffed wildlife, or other objects are arranged in a naturalistic setting against a painted background."
