
A disenfranchised person cannot vote or hold office.


Mr Chester and his fellow lags will remain disenfranchised.


We have indeed been disenfranchised, but it hasn't stopped!


However, many are disenfranchised and struggle due to poor economic conditions and lack of opportunity.


These seminomadic, disenfranchised people were used as political scapegoats by your government one time too many.


Many of these stateless people are among the world's poorest;all are the most disenfranchised.


That unrest will only grow, as more people feel politically and economically disenfranchised.


I was feeling disenfranchised not only by the Democratic Party, but more specifically by the Republican Party.


This means that none of the country's many ethnic and religious subsets is disenfranchised.


Oddly, though, the shareholders in American companies are like the disenfranchised citizens of a rotten borough.


Woeser has become an accidental hero to a generation of disenfranchised young Tibetans.


Many of these stateless people are among the world's poorest; all are the most disenfranchised.


The French organized Algeria into departments and disenfranchised native Arabs and Berbers.


Do you really wanna spend the rest of college locked up in this crap hole, disenfranchised and powerless?

你们希望在这鬼地方,无所事事地度过剩 下的大学时光吗?

Grits is the story of a group of disenfranchised loners who meet in a small coastal village in West Wales at the end of the 1990s.


Outside of business, Rebecca founded a non-profit organization, raising over $750,000 to support disenfranchised children.


This suggests that a greater percentage of people are becoming disenfranchised from the workforce than are getting laid off.


The Voting Rights Act was amended in 1970, '75, and '82, extending protection to other minorities and disenfranchised voters.


In fact, some experts see the emergence of two Chinas: one modern, wealthy and urban;the other rural, poor and disenfranchised.


Disenfranchised and driven from their former homes, the Paladins still work selflessly to protect humanity from the gnawing jaws of evil.


The son of Godfrey, and elder brother to Baldwin.Strives to return power to the Caliginous Order, which was disenfranchised during his father's term as leader.


The recipient classes--yes, including farmers and businesspeople who receive subsidies--should be disenfranchised, and the vote restricted to taxpayers.


He said, is that advocacy lawyers and civil society organizations could one day lead a pro-democracy movement among the poor and disenfranchised citizens they represent.


These contributors are noble Third Way Sympathizers who give freely to those decent Liberals who need millions to fight the good fight on behalf of the poor and disenfranchised.


Why, retorted Shia delegates, did Sunni clerics so rarely condemn the slaughter of Iraq's Shias?And what of the disenfranchised Shia minorities in Sunni countries?


While aid agency projects have helped many of the disenfranchised over the years, their impact was limited to pockets of the world and limited by the incoming flow of charity.

虽然援助项目也曾帮助一些落后的地区走上发展之路,但是这样的影响还是非常有 限,并且会受限于援助者所提供的资金大小。

It seems now, however, that Mourinho was racked with a deeper and more pressing fear: that of being disenfranchised from the top table of European football.


IN AMERICA you can usually count on people to stand up for their rights. Oddly, though, the shareholders in American companies are like the disenfranchised citizens of a rotten borough.


She had the benefits of a comfortable,middle- class upbringing that brought her in touch both with the fantastic wealth of the Arab Gulf and with the grim realities of disenfranchised Palestinians living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.


She had the benefits of a comfortable, middle class upbringing that brought her in touch both with the fantastic wealth of the Arab Gulf and with the grim realities of disenfranchised Palestinians living in the Israeli occupied West Bank.

拉 妮 雅 获 益 于 中 产 阶 级 家 庭 舒 适 的 教 育 , 不 仅 感 受 到 阿 拉 伯 海 湾 极 度 的 富 有 , 而 且 接 触 到 生 活 在 以 色 列 占 领 下 约 旦 河 西 岸 被 剥 夺 了 公 民 权 的 巴 勒 斯 坦 人 的 严 酷 现 状 。

When the greedy corporate titans and the disenfranchised systems of the galaxy pooled their resources together to leave the aging Galactic Republic behind, they became the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


He meets Hollywood luminaries who wail about being oppressed and disenfranchised, moneymen who think that money is everything and voters are morons, and bloggers who think that profanity is an adequate substitute for thought.


She had the benefits of a comfortable, middle? class upbringing that brought her in touch both with the fantastic wealth of the Arab Gulf and with the grim realities of disenfranchised Palestinians living in the Israeli? occupied West Bank.


The prospect of half the country feeling disenfranchised and led by a president they do not support is alarming enough for foreign diplomats who are anxious for stability in Afghanistan.


a disenfranchised group/minority


to bridge the gap between the franchised and the disenfranchised;


"He isn't that one reporter who was disenfranchised recently?"


a savvy and self-dramatizing campaigner, adroit at charming members of the Washington power elite as well as the disenfranchised poor in Pakistan, whom she pledged to represent;


"You've proven how much can be accomplished when a group selflessly uses every ounce of the political capital it has to help the world's most disenfranchised children."


they are angry and they don't know why;they are disenfranchised and don't know how to get in;they are sick and caught in a medical system that isn't helping;they are dying and alone;

他们感到愤怒 , 他们不知道为什么,他们被剥夺和不知道如何获得,他们是病人和陷入了医疗系统 , 不帮助他们死亡和独立;