
Disenfranchisement is the problem,not apathy -- perhaps if young people thought the Liberal Democrats had a chance,they'd go out and vote?


Some Tibetans however complain that Beijing's rule has resulted in a loss of religious freedom, economic disenfranchisement, and the watering down of their culture and language.


And the mass disenfranchisement of workers and peasants from these basic necessities was a direct result of the break-up of the communes and of state-enterprise employment reforms.


"Disenfranchisement is the problem, not apathy -- perhaps if young people thought the Liberal Democrats had a chance, they'd go out and vote?"

"现在的问题是年轻人们根本没有选举权,而不是他们对政治漠不关心。 难道如果他们认为自由民主党能够胜出的话,他们就能够投票吗?

social disenfranchisement
