
She bawled her senseless ditties to the audience.


My father will sing ditties when he is happy.


Hunan Huagu opera originated from local folk songs and ditties.


In the Music Mode, each coin drop will play one of five short ditties.


Status update: Not enough songs?! Do they want quality or quantity? I don't do 3 minute pop ditties!


Noble are his ambitions indeed. Hopefully, his hard work transcends the realm of short-lived disposable ditties.


I hate it when they ask you towrite a few ditties about yourself ,it feels like you are placing an ad for a used car!!


I hate it when they ask you to write a few ditties about yourself ,it feels like you are placing an ad for a used car!!


Your own Memory may suggest to you many other lamentable Ditties of the same Nature, in which the Musick is wonderfully languishing and melodious.


To begin with he read some Tyrolese ditties, and as he read on he would now and then hum one or other of the lively melodies.


The discussion should have a universal significance to the study of Ming and Qing ditties and to that of folk songs in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi as well.


The melodies of Henan operas originates from the folk ditties, whose modes, types of metre and melodies are quite familiar to people.


Some ditties appear in both the original language and English; unfortunately, rhythm is sometimes sacrificed in translation.


Mochow would not countenance the singing of such love ditties in their room, and even Mulan disapproved because of the associations.


Miriacu_it Regolta de poesias, ditti, mutti e foli,canciones de sa Gaddura, bibbiografia. (In italianu e gaddurese).


Besides this, cases in real life , story literary quotation , news hot spot , verses , ditties , odes and songs, experiments, student's mistakes etc. can also be chosen to create problem contexts.


Songs were sung and ditties were played on the guitar;


"Not to the sensual ear, But, more endear'd, Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone:"


The "Nan and Bei Verses", Ming and Qing Ditties, and Folk Songs: Reflections on the Combination of Nan and Bei Verses in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi


Occasionally he burst out with "Peg in a Low- backed Car" and other Irish ditties or the more lugubrious lament for Robert Emmet, "She is far from the land where her young hero sleeps."

有几回他忽然哼起了《矮背马车上的佩格》和其他爱尔兰小曲,或者更加阴郁的"罗伯特 - 埃米特挽歌","她距离年轻英雄的长眠之地很远。

a multiplicity of bands, styles and vernaculars appeared on eclectic, free-form playlists that were leavened liberally with B sides, live versions, alternative recordings and obscure ditties.
