
Travel is an edifying experience, especially for young people.


This is an edifying book.


A usually short narrative making an edifying or cautionary point and often employing as characters animals that speak and act like human beings.


He read edifying books to improve his mind.


Let all things be done unto edifying.


This edifying spectacle was the final event of the Governor's ball.


Travel is an edifying experience,especially for young people.

旅游可以使人增广见闻, 年轻人更应该多参加旅游活动.

Therefore, this method of edifying prisoners is very effective.


We hope you will find our program interesting and edifying.


Watching soccer fans howling racist remarks was not an edifying sight.


A mode of biblical interpretation insisting on the morally edifying sense of tropes in the Scriptures.


Young students are advised to read edifying books to improve their mind.


We are witnessing the last edifying moments of a transcendent being.


Expressing music emotion is by singing, empathizing and by edifying as well.


The practice, however edifying, has been discontinued, in consequence of the incident we are about to detail.


When she made remarks to this edifying effect, she had a firm little frown on her brow.


The paintings in the church served an edifying purpose even for those who could not read.


Associate with the humble and the simple, with the devout and virtuous, and with them speak of edifying things.


It is edifying,and it is a source of inner satisfaction even should other facets of life prove disappointing.


Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church.


Pick the Word of God, any verse or passage and talk about it, it is far more edifying!


So you also, forasmuch as you are zealous of spirits, seek to abound unto the edifying of the church.


The metrical beauty consists in edifying the intelligence and designing the knowledge network.


In ancient China, the ruling class greatly emphasized on edifying the civilians.


They Began to see its weaknesses and the less edifying aspects of its civilisation .


It says so much about being human. It's painful. But I think you also have to agree that it has been edifying.


Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.


Again, think ye that we excuse ourselves unto you? we speak before God in Christ: but we do all things, dearly beloved, for your edifying.


The author believes that a revisit to these contributions has some edifying effects on the localization of Marxism in China.


Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for edifying, as fits the occasion, that it may impart grace to those who hear.


Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.


Unencumbered by erudition and impervious to logic, Karl ambles down a heuristic path to enlightenment under the edifying influence of Ricky and Steve.


He seemed to see men such as he had been himself a fortnight ago, and he was mentally addressing an edifying exhortation to them.


Form to family, community and loyalty of network of personal connections of family and keep one's word consciousness under edifying of Confucianism.


Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.


Music as a means is best at edifying emotion and depends on singing, empathizing, and arrives in the step of edifying emotion.


Not only can interpersion space layout, coordination, balance, hue, and beautify the room can also be edifying and beauty.


That is the reason why, my dear sir,” he concluded, tossing off a glass of wine in edifying fashion, and looking towards the count for encouragement.


In the designing we should create an opening、 multi-levels and have regionally characteristic communication space .It should be suitable and edifying.


I came across a copy of Sinorama by chance and was deeply impressed by its fine layout, rich variety and healthy, edifying contents.


I was wondering, if you would entertain it kindly if I were to give you from the mission stories, several books of a more appropriate and edifying nature?


I was wondering if you would entertain it kindly if I were to give you from the mission stories, several books of a more appropriate and edifying nature?


Bunin gets the edifying influence from the East philosophy, esp. the East Buddhism.In his writings, he shows the Buddhist thought of “ everything is void ”.


The Company dedicated to edifying employees with richculture and creating beautiful and homelike environment and buildups the enterprise'scoherence and centripetal force.


Plato keeps the ideas that music education is the most important, while Confucius thinks that the mission of music is spiritual harmony for people with edifying People's emotions.


Many high street stores selling goods that no one wanted to buy have closed, prompting art galleries and other edifying enterprises to move in to the vacant sites.


When we still enjoy the Chinese traditional Ads, unconsciously;the foreign Ads have been exerting an edifying influence on us and start to get into the market of China.


School spirit building is the important training environments of training and edifying, a fine School spirit is the necessary request of construct harmonious school.


The aim in literary creation by Mr.Chan Sirisuwat, instead of utilitarian, lies in instructing, influencing, and edifying the readers for a better future.


Through studying the Bible and sharing of our faith, we grow spiritually by edifying each other with our knowledge of God - the Creator of the Universe.

使命: 藉著查考圣经、见证分享,来增加大家对创造宇宙万物的独一真神的认识,并提高彼此的灵命,委身事主;