
D.Warwick (1976), Ideologies, Ietegration and Conflicts of Meaning, M.Flude ;J.Ahier, Educability, Schools and Ideology, , London: Croom Helm.


Evolutional logic leads to excessive competition in the realm of educ ation;3.


D.Warwick (1976), Ideologies, Ietegration and Conflicts of Meaning, In M.Flude ;J.Ahier (Eds.), Educability, Schools and Ideology, , London: Croom Helm.


Due to these, when building their own parks, the Chinese people gave priority to the national styles and educ...


Hi I'm going to tell you a joke today.There is a girl Her mother is quite strict regarding her educ...


Hi I'm going to tell you a joke today. There is a girl Her mother is quite strict regarding her educ...


Memorization of information by frequency repetition (rote learning) plays a role in educ.


Scott E,Rowland F S.Chlorofluorocarbons and Stratospheric Ozone [J].J Chem Educ,1987,64(5):387.


A strong sense of happiness of the teachers will help a sustainable development of our educ...


Summers RB.The osteotome technique:Part 4-Future site development[J].Compend Contin Educ Dent,1995,16 (11):1080,1092,1099.


Mattson JS,Cerutis DR,Parrish LC.Osteoporosis:A review and its dental implications[J].Compend Contin Educ Dent,2002,23(11):1004,1006,1008.


You'll want a job that'll allow you to util your hard-earn educ and sharpen your skills, not on that reduc you to a coffe runner.


Mattson JS, Cerutis DR, Parrish LC. Osteoporosis: A review and its dental implications[J]. Compend Contin Educ Dent, 2002, 23(11):1004, 1006, 1008.


Mattson JS, Cerutis DR, Parrish LC. Osteoporosis: A review and its dental implications[J]. Compend Contin Educ Dent, 2008, 23(11):1008, 1009, 1008.


Lee MB, Lee YJ, Lin HN, et al. (1997), The teaching of medical ethics using a small-group tutorial method, J Med Educ (Taiwan), (1), 201-215.


At present, there are some flaws in Chinese educ ation: 1.The educatio n reform takes market economy as the direction, increasingly displaying utilitar ianism;2.


The West China Center of Medical Sciences (WCCMS) of Sichuan University has managed to introduce US projects to set up the West China-Tibet Telemedical Educ...


The universities and colleges should make full use of the opportunity that the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in the year of 2008,in order to have all kinds of educ...


Although these reflections influence their study and living,they will adapt to study and living in universities with the help of educ ational institutes,teachers and themselves.


What factors generate the segregate of academic and educability in art teachers education?


According to market requirements,our country should pay attention to developing basic education and vocational educ...


Opdycke R, Ascione F, Shimp L. A systematic approach to educating elderly patients about their medications. Patient Educ Couns 1992;19(1):43-60.


After analyzing the main problems in Chinese sextual education, some suggestions are presented for China to strengthen sextual educ...


Lic. en intervencion educ.

所在地: Orizaba Ver.

The data indicates that computer ownership a nd online access is growing more rapidly among the most prosperous and well educ ated: essentially,wealthy white people with high school and college diplomas and who are part of stable,two?parent households.


The data indicates that computer ownership a nd online access is growing more rapidly among the most prosperous and well educ ated: essentially, wealthy white people with high school and college diplomas and who are part of stable, two parent households.

有资料表明在最富有的和受教育程度最高的人群中,计算机的拥有量和上网的情况就增加的越快。 基本上是,拥有高中和大学文化程度的富裕的白人和来自稳定的双亲家庭的人员要多一些。

The data indicates that computer ownership a nd online access is growing more rapidly among the most prosperous and well educ ated: essentially, wealthy white people with high school and college diplomas and who are part of stable, two?


The data indicates that computer ownership a nd online access is growing more rapidly among the most prosperous and well educ ated: essentially, wealthy white people with high school and college diplomas and who are part of stable, two?parent households.


Shepherd KR, Nihill P, Botto RW, McCarthy MW. Factors influencing pursuit and satisfaction of academic dentistry careers: perceptions of new dental educators. J Dent Educ 2001;65:841-8.


However, due to some historical and social reasons, educ ation of humanity quality in recent decades of years has been weakened in higher learning of Chinese medicine to certain degree.


Results:Put forward the numbers of different kinds of the health institutes among people ,and numbers of beds,and the suggestions of health workforce structures and educ ation structures.


Equality, prac tice and the significance of models should be emphasized in the sincerity educ at ion among them and meanwhile education should be combined with the construction of regulations.


Moral educ ation is the task that has an important bearing on the fate of the country, and the growth of the juvenile and youth as well as the development of the course of education.


Keywords Hysterectomy;Health educ ation;Health knowledge needs;


.. Living with Down Syndrome.Portsmouth, UK The Down Syndrome Educ ...

首次能描述它的病理的英国医生约翰 .

Keywords Question teaching method;Medical imaging diagnosis educ ation;Multimedia;


Keywords the principle of scientific development;medical educ ation;reformation;development;


Criteria for the ideal treatment option for failed endodontics: surgical or nonsurgical?Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2007 Jun;

2、至于你对我提出的根尖开口大小的数据来源,可以参考文献Karabucak B, Setzer F.

Griffith J,Steptoe A,Cropley M.An investigation of coping strategies associated with job stress in teachers.Br J Educ Psychol 1999;69(Pt 4):517-31


Sun Jian bo; Lu Xin guo; Zhang Lei; Peng Hui hui; 1College of Physical Educ ation; 2College of Tourism and Cuisine; Yangzhou University; Yangzhou 225000; Jiangs u Province; China;


the idea of quality-oriented education should be impenetrated during teaching process.The paper discusses the implementation of quality-oriented educ...


motor educability



n. 可教育性, 可陶冶性


abbr. =education, education


education 教育, 训练

21 Bosworth HB,Olsen MK,Gentry P,et al.Nurse administered telephone intervention for blood pressure control:a patinet-tailored multifactorial intervention.Patient Educ Couns,2005,57(1):5214.
