
Effendi looked at the King and answered ,"But how can I know?


I saw my shaikh in a brilliant vision, standing on the hill.He called to me and said, 'Abdullah Effendi, come.


Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister(首相 ).He said the Minister would die the next day.


When the King heard this, he got angry and set his men to catch Effendi at once.


When Effendi came ,the King shouted angrily, "Effendi, you knew when my Minister would die, you must also know the date of your own death.


Although Suharto's authoritarianism is a distant nightmare, Indonesia is not yet a dream republic, hence the ironic title of Mr Effendi's show.


Nasrul Abit diruang kerjanya pagi tadi.Pada kesempatan itu juga turut menyaksikan Setkab Pesisir Selatan H.Rosman Effendi dan Asisten I Setkab Nazwir,SH.

听听听听听听听听听听听 TUJUH orang Sekretaris Desa/Nagari di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan terima SK PNS yang diserahkan Bupati Pesisir Selatan H.

Greenomics Indonesia executive director, Elfian Effendi, says the government of Indonesia should use the country's potential for reducing emissions to benefit economically.

Greenomics印尼主任Elfian Effendi说,印尼政府应该发挥本国的减排潜能来提高经济效益。

He called to me and said, 'Abdullah Effendi, come.' I did not even think to put shoes on;I walked on the snow and could feel warmth from the Divine Love emanating from his spirit.


Beginning 2 January, all products originating from local organic farms will bear the ‘Malaysia Organic’ certification logo, said the Agriculture Minister, Datuk Dr Mohd Effendi Norwawi.


Effendi Gazali, the show's creator, says Mr Bakrie will have to endure being sent up on his own station, “or we'll quit!”


