
"Sakes alive!" ejaculated the American girl.


The other night I sort of ejaculated in my dream.


"You came in opportunely!" ejaculated Bossuet.


"Now wouldn't that rattle you?" he ejaculated under his breath.


Those that are not ejaculated are simply reabsorbed into the body.


How much semen is ejaculated?


They produce sperm which may be ejaculated through a system of genital ducts.


"That's right, old street," ejaculated Gavroche, "put on your night-cap.


I ejaculated mentally,'you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.


Conclusion:The ejaculated,epididymal and testicular spermatozoa used in ICSI achieved comparable clinical results.


"The Amontillado !" ejaculated my friend not yet recovered from his astonishment.


The amount of semen ejaculated during one orgasm is usually about a teaspoonful.


"That's true," ejaculated Joly, striking into the dialogue, "an old goat is an old abi" (ami, friend).


It is put on a man's erect penis and physically blocks ejaculated semen from entering the body of a sexual partner.


I ejaculated mentally, `you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.


"Him!" ejaculated Birkin. "Poor Gudrun, wouldn't she suffer afterwards for having given herself away!" He was hugely delighted.


As a result of the operation, the sperm cells can no longer become part of the ejaculated fluid but are absorbed by the body.


Wretched inmates!'I ejaculated, mentally, 'you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.


Ancient Greek and Roman physicians believed that unreleased semen could become poisonous and therefore had to be ejaculated at regular intervals.


In the course of a man's life, most of his sperm cells are ejaculated under conditions that offer no chance for a fertilization.


The blind passages make it likely that sperm will be ejaculated into the wrong place and thus fail to fertilise the duck's eggs.


I ejaculated an unrestrained “Huh!”and he must have heard me, for he went on nervously:“What I called up about was a pair of shoes I left there.


Watched by a team of researchers, the woman was vaginally stimulated by her husband until she reached orgasm, climaxed, and then ejaculated, releasing noticeable amounts of fluid.


As we know ,the analysis of sex chromosome on ejaculated spermatozoa from the patient with a 46,XY/47,XXY by X/Y dual probe was reported for the first time in China.


It has been obsered that een in normal, fertile specimens, as much as 50% of the ejaculated sperm population may be abnormally formed and a similar proportion may lack mobility.


Furthermore, even sperm cells that have been ejaculated outside the vagina can move inside by themselves as long as they are in contact with a moist surface.


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate effects of cellular phone radiofrequency electromagnetic waves (RF-EMW) during talk mode on unprocessed (neat) ejaculated human semen.


It was the first time for me to come the British royal atmosphere of Rose House and then enjoy the royal service, I ejaculated mentally:” Rich is great.


Results No difference wasexisted between fresh and cryopreservated groups in fertility, oocyte cleavage and clinical pregnancy rate with ejaculated sperm(79.


If ejaculated when the foreplay, had better not use a foreplay to solve the problem of premature ejaculation so.


"Watch out!" he ejaculated.


It is possible that a man's orgasm produces no visible ejaculation, because the semen is ejaculated into the urinary bladder.


Semen ejaculated in orgasm.


This may indicate that after electroejaculation, the sperms accumulate in the posterior segment of vas deferens and the opening of the seminal vesicle just before they ejaculated out.


Methods: The number of X and Y chromosomes of the ejaculated spermatozoa from the patient with mosaic 46,XY/47,XXY was analysed by X/Y dual fluorescence in-situ hybridization(FISH).


In a few men, certain internal muscles operate in such a way that the semen is not ejaculated to the outside, but instead into the bladder from where it then later is passed off with the urine.


ejaculated Carrie, seeing at a glance.


ejaculated his wife, "where do you suppose it came from?


" "I know," ejaculated Gavroche, "it's the dogs who eat everything.


'My blood!'ejaculated the vexed coachman,'and not atop of Shooter's yet!'


'My blood' ejaculated the vexed coachman, 'and not atop of Shooter's yet! Tst!


3.Preventing the sperm from becoming part of the ejaculated fluid (vasectomy).

3. 防止精子成为精液的组成成分(输精管结扎术)。

I was astounded at this insinuation and simply ejaculated: "Caroline!"


"That's right, old street," ejaculated Gavroche, "put on your night-cap."


I ejaculated an unrestrained "Huh!" and he must have heard me, for he went on nervously:


Functional Expression of Adenylyl Cyclase and Phosphodiesterase in Ejaculated Human Spermatozoa


I ejaculated mentally, 'you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.'


""Yes, yes, I understand very well," ejaculated the baroness;"never, I swear to you.


" "That's true," ejaculated Joly, striking into the dialogue, "an old goat is an old abi" (ami, friend).


ejaculated Javert between his teeth, "he must have been the most valuable of the lot.
