
Emote freely.Save celebratory gems for use outside.


The dance emote got a ton of laughs.


The /cower emote now has an animation.


That emote is hilarious. xD I hope they use it!


Emote with more range??Stay mentally connected and allow the music to move you?


Corrected a raid emote in Violet Hold to display the proper creature name.


When you get the emote for Lightning Nova, everyone moves back together.


Peter flips off the board and emote flips into the air five and a half times before doing a belly flop!


The first and most malady is that the 0.9 billion peasants are in fringed situation and emote the structural poverty.

症结在于 :当代社会继承的传统社会价值规范所积淀的体验结构与现实制度结构之间以及结构内部之间极为紧张。

The Cheer emote was different the second time I did it, and I assume it was random.


Sometimes the movement of the kundahlini will cause you to cry, or emote pain, anger or fear.


You can also make the creature emote when the text appears (you can choose from happy, sad, angry, scared or neutral).


The Orcs and Dwarves again did the same emote of one arm level and the other crossing it.


Replacing it will Emo Feelings of the Forsaken, which makes the /dance emote cooler.I mean, coolioo.


The dance emote was fluid and it was the same dance I think for both Dwarves and Orcs.


A problem with duplicate messages when using an emote after casting Blessed Shield has been corrected.


Characters will also have a better rendering, thanks to MOCAP integration for fights and emote.


His Gaoyou Story concentrately displays the special gift of his novel, on which his special aesthetic emot...


The rude emote for Gnomes was to stick two fingers in the air palm facing you, so all you mates in England will be proud to use that one.


Combining animation generated by their proprietary capture process and the advanced head rig, we were able to give the players the ability to emote.


Will of the Forsaken will be removed, due to popular opinion. Replacing it will Emo Feelings of the Forsaken, which makes the /dance emote cooler. I mean, coolioo.


Loladins will be a new class focusing on emote combat, tickling and laughing at their enemies until they feel pity and give up, or punch the player in the face.


He is also steering committee chair for the EMOTE trial, and he presented detailed results from the study at the eighth annual meeting of the Heart Failure Society of America.


In the natal chart, the position of the Moon by sign shows how we emote and respond to our environment, as well as our instinctual habits, especially in our homes and in private.


There are larger differences in the content of painting products by five-six aged children in city and village including happening and emot.


In the specific texts, there are also contextconst rained deviat ions in referent ial meaning, derogato ry meaning, commendato ry meaning, and emot ional meaning.


In chapter three, the software platform function of equipment condition monitoring system was analyzed, the implemented method of data sampling, data management, signal analysis and display, and emote monitor were discussed.


Fractal has more and more been widely attended and approved by scholars in the r emote sensing research,one reason is that it can get related information such as spatial structure,pattern and distribution from remote sensing data.


Based on the various experiments of r emote sensing image processing,the application of optical -chemical image processing technology in extr action and analysis of military targ ets from civil satellite data is inve stigated.


You can obtain this strange emote by receiving 100 /cheers, but the catch is this: You can only receive 5 of those a day.Your reward for your patience is the fire breathing emote /firebreath.


You can obtain this strange emote by receiving 100 /cheers, but the catch is this: You can only receive 5 of those a day.Your reward for your patience is the fire breathing emote /firebreath.


to emote over the beauties of nature


reward is a new Emote called /juggle.


adopted RS232C to realize communication from CAN to emote computer.

采用RS2 32标准完成与调度中心的通信。

[on rumors he was dull in bed] I can't emote worth a damn.


emote fix and support system


Keywords snails;habitat;emote sensing;unsupervis ed classification;


emote sensing imagery classcification is critical to remote sensing realm.


this song very difficult to sing and she can still emote the song well!

她适合唱西洋歌 中文歌的话适合唱顺子或李玟的高雄难度歌曲!

the chicken's crossing the road was never clearly explained and the chicken didn't emote very well.


this: You can only receive 5 of those a day. Your reward for your patience is the fire breathing emote /firebreath.


Key Word:Rice Field ;emote sensing ;High Frequency ;High Resolution ;Satellite


1. Will of the Forsaken will be removed, due to popular opinion. Replacing it will Emo Feelings of the Forsaken, which makes the /dance emote cooler. I mean, coolioo.


Keywords Middle school and primary school teacher;Job burnout;Emot ional exhaustion;Cynicism;Reduced personal accomplishment;


the segregation of “economic man”and “moral man”in the circumstance of market economy need dispelling by moral emot i on to mould modern humanity of benefiting him and myself;



vi. 激动地表达感情


emotion 情绪, 情感, extramcdullary plasmacytoma 髓外浆细胞瘤


(=emotion) 情绪,感情,激动 (=emotional) 情绪(上)的,感情(上)的,激动的