
We need to suffer in order to empathise with others who suffer.


What is more, those who choose not to empathise may enable real monsters.


Companies will also need to show they empathise with consumers’ new concerns.


It is easier to empathise with victims of a situation that could have just as easily befallen ourselves.


Anxiety, panic, insomnia and the rest are a part of the human condition - everyone can empathise to some extent.


The International Student Adviser can therefore empathise with a student's situation and act accordingly.


The International Student Adviser can therefore empathise with a student's situation and is able to act accordingly.


STUDENTS facing exams this month, take heart: your companions can smell your fear, and they empathise.


Godly play has been successfully used with younger pupils to help them understand and empathise with Bible stories.


As you hear the words spoken by the other person, begin to notice ways in which you can empathise with what is being said and how it is expressed .


A woman who can't empathise with the plights of other women, or even listen to the people around her, is not someone who should be in the White House.


Not everyone will envy or even admire this, but plenty of women will empathise with someone who has a tonne on her plate and is tackling it head-on.


It is only by imagining ourselves into the world of the early 19th century that we can begin to empathise with Fanny's scruples.


Presumably, then, those who get on better, empathise with each other to a greater degree and therefore go on to look more similar.


I empathise with you in your efforts towards China's environmental problems and apologise if I'm misinformed or misunderstand your meaning.


A film whose plot can touch in ways others can't deserves compliment.A film whose characters one can identify and empathise with deserves praise.


Listen carefully. Learn to listen. Observe the other person's body language. Verify: clarify information. Empathise: keep your heart open at all times.


In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathise with humans whose experiences we have never shared.


Encourage them to talk about their feelings: they might have difficulty talking about the source of their anxiety, so take time to listen and to empathise.


What is more, those who choose not to empathise enable real monsters. For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.


Another early worry about the film was that it is that little bit harder to persuade an audience to empathise with an inanimate object, however expert the animation.


The two undergrads and myself can now empathise better with people from China (or foreigners of other nationalities) and understand how hurt they must feel when Singaporeans look down on them or ridicule them for areas in which they are lagging behind us.


As a consequence, the mid-21st century mind might almost be infantilised, characterised by short attention spans, sensationalism, inability to empathise and a shaky sense of identity".


Show genuine concern for guest's situation. Empathise with the guest


“I can empathise with you, sir,” a pallid young employee says blankly.


56 After SOT Both teams today can empathise with that view. And for Brazil there will definitely be an encore, but for Japan it could be the final curtain.


but I was really excited to see luo guan coming up to qian lang's defense so readily as he probably is able to empathise with qian's lang sorrow and pain...



vi. 移情, 起共鸣 =empathize(美)