
Coach Brown envisions Mary as a prima ballerina.


The plan envisions a settlement within three years.


Howard, the security guard, envisions a luxurious retirement in the tropics.


Power Paper even envisions that its flexible battery designs can be used to help secure airports and passengers.


Rostow envisions that economies may evolve beyond the stage of high mass consumption.


What he envisions is something that might work similar to a home pregnancy strip.


This document identifies and plans for all improvements the city envisions in the foreseeable future.


The ruling Communist Party envisions the Games as a public relations showcase and is leaving no detail untended.


When the economists speak of a balanced economy, he envisions an overall balance between production and consumption.


Chen envisions a 15-minute turnaround from discovery to mitigation of each new malware detected.


Oxfam Hong Kong envisions a world free of poverty where women and men enjoy well-being and rights.


A writer conceives of it, a producer oversees its evolution, and a director envisions its narrative for the camera.


Ockels envisions a series of computer-controlled kites connected by a long tether.


As elsewhere, the Khmer team envisions providing the software to both private and government users.


Dickson Despommier envisions a potentially new way to farm that converts skyscrapers into crop farms!


To reach the Martian surface, NASA envisions an aerodynamic lander that flies down with thrusters to help it descend.


Hughes envisions multiple outlets for electronic money springing up all over the global net.


Perlin says that he envisions the technology replacing capacitive touch screens, especially in mobile phones.


PTI has mainly worked with bottle grade PET but it envisions uses for polylactic acid and polyethylene naphthalate.


Less than six weeks before his inauguration, Obama declined to say how large an economic stimulus plan he envisions.


Looking even further toward the future, Hirai envisions a day when all cars are grille-less.


What he envisions is an ellipsoid with tiny wings that he says can take off vertically and move like an alien spaceship, albeit at subsonic speed.


Wayne said next time he will get a permit. He said he envisions monthly bonfires until his supply-- estimated at20,000 books-- is exhausted.


VistaTEC has formed alliances with technology partners whose products are most relevant to the process optimization goals VistaTEC envisions.


Much of the media publicity around Web services envisions integrating enterprise applications on large supply chain projects.


A proposed conceptual single-plane cablestayed design envisions the piers to be prefabricated in a unit along the shore.


Aurora envisions a compact, lightweight system that could be included on future Mars landers, augmenting the mission with a small aerial vehicle.


BYD envisions entering into the new energy bus field through this ac**tion and plans to produce new energy buses in 2010.


Wayne said next time he will get a permit. He said he envisions monthly bonfires until his supply -- estimated at 20,000 books -- is exhausted.


Parker envisions the bird-sized vehicles as being able to spy on adversaries by flying into cities and perching on building ledges or power lines.


Or perhaps the father envisions catastrophe, seeing such grades as foreclosing the possibility of a top college, thus dooming his son's future.


The figure represents a possible opening for future climate-change negotiations, as China envisions some sort of global climate tax.


Mooney envisions a professional guild for bloggers, not unlike the Writers Guild of America, that would strictly rep professional bloggers.


In addition to extra US forces, the plan envisions Iraq committing 10,000 to 12,000 more troops to secure Baghdad's neighborhoods.


He noted, however, that the United States and Egypt, among others, have offered competing proposal, which envisions a non-U.N. stabilization force.


The project the council voted on Wednesday envisions a magnetic-levitation train that is suspended, guided and propelled by electromagnetic force.


Venter envisions novel microbes that capture carbon dioxide from the smokestack of a power plant and turn it into natural gas for the boiler.


He envisions a police officer describing possible scenes and how to handle them, so that the information carries weight to fellow officers.


Thus Kinski-Paganini leads us through segments of his past and, like a diabolical magician, foretells and envisions for us his unavoidable destiny.


He envisions immediate applications in genomics and proteomics, with the new approach providing several improvements over current techniques.


He envisions the town center as a place where people can bump into friends and have ice cream while sitting on a sunny bench and watching children play on the toy train.


She envisions a time when the writing and travel will not preoccupy her so and she can retreat on a piece of land and create her own garden, raising her own food.


The plan which was revealed by two Huawei executives envisions mostly organic growth, although the company says strategic acquisitions of smaller companies are also possible.


Marsh envisions fuel cells in lawn mowers, snow-blowers, jet skis and other mobile devices which now contribute to noise and air pollution, and which don't run well on batteries.


Digital Earth envisions the development of geographic information system in a networked environment,and is considered to be a model of the future geographic information system.


It overviews present status of study progress,development &application,patent petition.It envisions the developmental prospect of new mixing refrigerant.


GM envisions some $27.2bn of that debt being converted to equity with 225 shares per $1,000 of face value, giving debt holders another 10 per cent of the company.


It envisions the developmental prospect of new mixing refrigerant.And it point to reinforce the experiment research on thermophysical properties of new mixing refrigerant.


Planning is a process by which management envisions the future of the company and develops necessary disciplines and operations to achieve those objectives.


The plan is part of a new exhibit opening in Paris on April 30, 2009, that envisions the metropolis circa 2030 as one of the most environmentally sustainable cities on Earth.
