
I leave large leaves of kale and escarole in the tubs constantly so they can browse on them when the salad gets eaten.


Add escarole to soup, and cook for 5 minutes more. Adjust seasonings, and serve in four bowls topped with croutons and olive oil.


Salads should contain one or more of the following: Mustard greens, Collard greens, Dandelion greens, Alfalfa plants (not sprouts), Turnip greens, Endive, Escarole, Squash, or Cactus Pad.

沙拉应该包含一个或更多的下列: 芥菜、散叶甘兰绿色、蒲公英嫩叶、紫花苜蓿植物(不是新芽),白萝卜绿色、莴荬菜、涡荬、南瓜或者仙人掌垫。

3. Add escarole to soup, and cook for 5 minutes more. Adjust seasonings, and serve in four bowls topped with croutons and olive oil.



n. 宽叶莴苣(做沙拉的一种蔬菜)