
In this day and age, espousing alternativeness is nothing to be ashamed of.


This is an increasingly common attitude in the media world as well, one I’ve even heard myself espousing at times.


Researchers espousing this hypothesis think it could explain Parkinson's two forms.


For more than a decade, espousing that view seemed to be required of any party that wanted to win a general election.


East Coast styles were generally hard-core, with rappers espousing political and social ideals, often from an afro-centric perspective.


Espousing or reflecting values that are different from those of the establishment or mainstream: an alternative newspaper;alternative greeting cards.


East Coast styles were generally hard-core,7 with rappers espousing political and social ideals, often from an afro-centric perspective.


But nobody was ever sent to prison for espousing the wrong value for the Hubble constant. There is always room for more data to argue over.


They've achieved this by espousing an openhearted, socially aware brand of rock that compensates for its occasional ham-fistedness with endearing sincerity.


Lee, who proceeded to win the first-ever direct presidential elections in 1996, angered the People's Republic of China by espousing Taiwan's separate statehood.


Oil nations could benefit from the technological innovation proposed here: Saudi Arabia is on the record espousing a commitment to become a leader in solar power in this century.


Emperor Wu in the Han Dynasty carried out a policy of proscribing all non-Confucian schools of thought and espousing Confucianism as the orthodox state ideology.


Directed by Tom Putnam, "The Hottie and the Nottie" is a romantic comedy about finding true love, with an underlying message espousing the notion that beauty is only skin deep.


Those espousing appropriation in translation believe that obscurity and even "unintelligibility" are attributable to literal translation. If faithfulness to the original text leads to "unintelligibility", translation is tantamount to non-translation.


It has also been increasingly felt that PIL is being misused by the people agitating for private grievance in the grab of public interest and seeking publicity rather than espousing public cause.


of or relating to or espousing operationalism.


sing(,) the drinking song and marriage song when espousing.


Espousing or reflecting values that are different from those of the establishment


maybe his espousing of such heinous opinions and subsequent talk show tortures are valuable research for his violent onscreen debasements.


espousing feminism


and if the marquis chooses to be candid, he will confess that they perfectly agree with what his majesty said to him, when he went six months ago to consult him upon the subject of your espousing his daughter."
